Abandoned Cart Event
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    Abandoned Cart Event

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    Article summary

    This event reacts when your contacts:

    • abandon products in their carts

    • remove previously added products from their carts

    • This event can be used as a start event.

    • The negative path is only available, if this event is not used as a start event.

    • The event can be used with the Multiple Event filter. In this case, the negative path applies to the entire multiple event, and not to the individual paths.

    In order to use this event, Wishlist, Abandoned Cart events, or both, must be set up in Mapp Acquire. Alternatively, you can import those data into your related data in Mapp Engage via API.




    React on

    • Add: the Whiteboard reacts when products are added to the Abandoned Cart related data table.

    • Delete: the Whiteboard reacts when products are removed from the Abandoned Cart related data table.

    Abandoned Cart Criteria

    Here you can define further details of the event:

    • Any abandoned cart product

    • Specific abandoned cart product

      • Any of the following: lets you specify product details, for example the product SKU.

      • All of the following: lets you specify product details, for example the product SKU.

    Related Topics

    Set up a Simple Abandoned Cart Campaign

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