Activate Conversion Tracking for Messages
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    Activate Conversion Tracking for Messages

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    Article summary


    To enable conversion tracking for messages sent using Engage.

    You can activate conversion tracking by:

    • Enabling conversion tracking for a group

    • Enabling conversion tracking for a single message


    Ensure that:

    1. A tracking pixel has been created in Engage and added to your online shop's order confirmation page (see Create a Tracking Pixel).

    2. For cookie-less conversion tracking, both the MID (message ID) and UID (user ID) must be attached to the links (see Add Message ID and User ID to Links).


    Enable Conversion Tracking for a Group (recommended)

    To enable conversion tracking for all messages in a group:

    1. In the main navigation menu, click Audience > Group Management > Groups.

    2. Create a new group or edit an existing one.

    3. Select the Sendout Settings tab.

    4. Expand the Leading or Closing Content for Emails section.

    5. Enter the Engage Variable for Conversion Tracking in either the leading or closing content fields. The format for the Engage Variable is:

      • With Cookie: <%EventTracking id="1190" cookie="true"%>
        (Cookies in Engage have a default lifespan of 30 days. Contact your customer service representative to modify this duration if needed.)

      • Without Cookie: <%EventTracking id="1190" cookie="false"%>

    6. Replace the ID in the Engage Variable with your conversion tracking ID. You can find this in the Conversion Tracking Overview under the Details section (see Conversion Tracking Overview).

    7. Click Save.

    Now, conversion tracking is applied to every message sent within this group. This data is automatically returned to your Engage system when landing pages are properly customized.

    Enable Conversion Tracking for a Single Message

    Since manually adding tracking pixels to each message can lead to errors, we recommend setting the tracking pixel at the group level.

    To enable conversion tracking for an individual message:

    1. Create a new message.

    2. Choose a location at the beginning or end of the message to insert the conversion tracking variable.

    3. Click the Engage Variables button.

    4. A sidebar wizard will open.

    5. Select Conversion Tracking.

    6. If the desired conversion tracking is not displayed, search for it using the Show more conversion trackings option.

    7. Click Use next to the chosen conversion tracking.

    8. Move the cursor inside the Compose Message window and click to place the Engage Variable.

    9. Right-click and select Insert.

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