Activate Link Tracking for a Group
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    Activate Link Tracking for a Group

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    Article summary


    To evaluate the number of clicks on a message. The settings for link-tracking are group-specific.

    Background Information​

    Link tracking is only possible when links are redirected to a Mapp Engage address (see ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​).

    This redirection is activated for text and HTML messages in the group settings. Link tracking is activated for HTML messages without any further changes. With text messages, you can decide whether the display of the actual destination address is critical, that is, whether the links displayed can be redirected. Evaluation of the clicks is only possible when redirection is activated.

    In the case of personalized links (e.g., in single messages), Mapp Engage evaluates the links only as a summary, as theoretically, an infinitely large number of personalized, individual links can be created. This must be explicitly set up if the links should be individually evaluated despite the possibly very large number.

    Links that are partially or completely stored in the attributes or in related data are not always recognized by Mapp Engage. After a test sendout, you can check under the tab ​Tracking & Links​ whether the links can be evaluated (see ​Link Analysis (tab)​).


    1. In the main navigation, click ​Audience > Group Management > Groups.

    2. Click  next to the group.

    3. Select the ​Tracking​ tab.

    4. To track links in HTML messages, activate the option ​Track links in HTML messages.
      ⇒ During message sendout, all links in the message are automatically adapted for tracking. The link address is changed to a Mapp Engage page that automatically redirects visitors to the actual destination page. The recipient does not notice the redirection, as it happens almost instantaneously.

    5. To evaluate links in a text message, click ​Track links in text messages.
      ⇒During message sendout, all links in the message are automatically adapted for tracking. The link address is changed to a Mapp Engage page that automatically redirects visitors to the actual destination page. In the text message, the recipient sees the Mapp Engage link address, not your website's final destination address. The recipient only sees the final destination address once Mapp Engage has redirected the links.

    6. To evaluate individual links, i.e., links created during personalization, activate the option Track individual links in personalized messages.
      ⇒Tracking individual links is only appropriate if you can assume that you will have a manageable number of different links in the final messages.

    7. Click ​Save​. The changes to the group settings are saved. In every sendout with this group, the links are adapted and tracked according to your settings.

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