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Add a Lookalike Audience
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To add a lookalike audience on a platform where you want to extend your audience reach.
Create a pixel, segment, or conversion.
Export a pixel.
Create an audience.
Background Information
A lookalike audience lets you increase your audience to reach people who resemble one of your established audiences, segments, or pixels. You send the lookalike audience to the platform where you want to extend your reach.
In the Main Navigation, click
⇒ The Lookalike Audience window opens.Click the Create Audience button.
⇒ The Add Lookalike Audience window opens.Enter a name for the audience in the Audience Name input field. A helpful name reflects the behavior or objective of the audience.
From the Select Platform drop-down list, select the platform where you want to extend your reach through this lookalike audience.
The options that appear in the Select Platform drop-down list reflect the platforms that are integrated with your software.
⇒ The name of the selected platform appears in the input field.
From the Audience Input drop-down list, select the user pool that you want to use as a basis for the lookalike audience.
⇒ A search field or drop-down list appears.Select the items whose users you want to use to create a lookalike audience. You can choose more than one.
Click the Optimization Goal that you want to use as the basis to create the lookalike audience.
⇒ The selected goal is highlighted.From Mobile Devices, select one or more devices to restrict visitor data collection to the selected devices.
Select the desired check boxes under Privacy & Compliance.
Limit data usage to pixels: Select to limit data usage on a per pixel basis. This per case limitation is possible because pixels represent individual data collections.
Limit data usage to countries: Select to limit data usage on a per country basis. This per case limitation is important as privacy legislation can differ from country to country.
To save your entries, click the Add Lookalike Audience button.
⇒ The lookalike audience is built.