Add an Attachment to a Message
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    Add an Attachment to a Message

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    Article summary


    To attach a file to an email. For example, attach PDF files, text files, or images to your email message.


    You create emails manually in Mapp Engage (not in the CMS).

    Background Information​

    You can add an attachment from the content store or from your local disk. Mapp Engage supports almost any file type. You can add multiple files to the same email.


    Mapp Engage does not limit the number or size of your attachments, as long as the message remains below the maximum message size. The default maximum message size is 2 MB. To increase the maximum message size for your system, contact your account manager.

    Large messages can have an impact on deliverability. Some email clients and spam filters classify large messages as spam.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Create​ New > ​Message.
      Step ​1. Type​ opens

    2. Enter message information and select ​Email​ from the ​Type​ drop-down list.

    3. Click ​Create​.
      Step ​2. Content​ opens.

    4. Expand the ​Advanced Options​ area.

    5. In the ​Attachments​ area, upload the attachment.

      • ​Local File:​ Attaches a file from your local directory. Click ​File Upload​ to select a file.

      • ​Content Store:​ Attaches a file from the Mapp Engage Content Store. Click ​Browse​ to select a file.

    6. Click ​Add Attachment​ to add the attachment to the message.

    7. Repeat steps 3–4 to add additional attachments to the email.

    8. To save your changes, click ​Save as Draft​.

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