Add Event Data to a Prepared Message
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    Add Event Data to a Prepared Message

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    Article summary

    This topic describes how to add data from an event to a prepared message sent with an event-based automation. This applies to the following jobs:

    1. ​Send Prepared Message to Contact (C)​

    2. ​Send Prepared Message to Address (S/C)​

    Parameters add almost any kind of information to the message during sendout. This can be data from Engage or information from the event. You can add up to 10 additional parameters.

    Add ​Parameter​ fields in the ​Edit Job​ window.

    • : This button adds new parameter fields.

    • : This button removes parameter fields.

    • First input field: This field defines the name of the parameter. The parameter name can be freely defined. Spaces and special characters are permissible.
      Note that the system automatically changes entries that it recognises as standard system attributes.
      For example Engage changes groupname to, messageID to message.PK, and userid to user.PK.

    • Second input field: This field defines the value added to the message. This can be a static value, a Engage attribute, or information from the event.

      • Static Value: Any value can be entered in the second field. The characters must be permitted by the selected encoding. The system adds this value to the message.

      • Event Information: When the ​Use Event Parameter​ checkbox is selected, a drop-down list appears. The items in the drop-down are the event values that can be included in the message. The values vary depending on the event.
        Examples: message ID, group ID, user ID, link ID, response type, response text, event processing date, job processing date.

    Add the Parameter to the Message

    To add the parameter to the message, insert the placeholder <> into the message. Replace name with the name of the parameter exactly as it is entered in the first field.

    The placeholder can be inserted in the message body or subject line.

    When the system sends the message, it replaces the entire placeholder <> with the value in the second input field.


    In this example, you add the group ID of the event group to a prepared message.

    1. In the ​Edit Job​ window, create a new parameter.
      ⇒ New parameter fields appear.

    2. In the first input field, enter GRPID

    3. For the second input field, select the checkbox ​Use Event Parameter​ and select ​Group ID​ from the drop-down

    4. In the email, add the following placeholder in the desired location: <%parameter.GRPID%>
      ⇒ During sendout, <%parameter.GRPID%> is replaced with the group ID of the event group

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