Add Tags to a Message
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    Add Tags to a Message

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    Article summary


    To add tags to a message.

    Background Information​

    A tag is a keyword that is assigned to an element in Mapp Engage. You can use any keyword that you want with few limitations. The tag becomes part of the element metadata and can be used as search criteria.Message tags give you the ability to filter for messages by keyword in the statistics. You can quickly select and compare the performance of selected message sendouts.


    1. In the ​main navigation​, click​ Create New​ > ​Message​.

    2. The ​Message Creation​ window opens. From here you can select the type of message you wish to create, after which you can add tags and other information. 

    3. In the ​Tags​ input field, enter the labels that you want to attach to the message.
      Attach tags with any of the following methods:

      • To enter multiple tags, enter a comma or space between terms. You can also use the [ Enter ] key.

      • To enter tags with more than one word, use quotation marks and press [ Enter ] . For example, "Summer Sale".

      • To remove a tag, click the ​x​ symbol inside the tag or use the [ Backspace ] key.

    4. Save the message as a draft or continue with message sendout.

    5. The tags are attached to the message.

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