Additional Placeholders
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    Additional Placeholders

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    Article summary

    You can use placeholders to insert various types of data into a message or a landing page.

    For some placeholders, Mapp Engage accepts an alternative format. The alternative format is called an alias.

    Message-Related Data​

    Placeholder (Recommended)


    Aliases (Alternative)


    Inserts the message ID automatically created in Mapp Engage during message sendout.






    Inserts the number of message recipients.


    Inserts the name of the message. This name identifies the message in the system. The message name is not visible to the recipient of the message.



    Inserts the message subject line (for an email message).


    Inserts an external ID that was defined when the message was created in Mapp Engage.


    Inserts the first and last name that is stored in Mapp Engage for the user who sends the email.


    Inserts the name of the message category.

    Group Data​





    Inserts the name of the group.





    <%nom du groupe%>

    <%nombre de la lista%>






    Inserts the ID of the group. Mapp Engage assigns this ID automatically during the group creation.




    Inserts the group category ID.






    Inserts the ISO language code of the language that is stored for the group. For example, en for English.






    Inserts the ISO country code of the group.



    Inserts the email address that is created for the group in the group settings.


    <%list_email email_del_gruppo%>

    <%adresse email du groupe%>

    <% email de la lista%>


    <% gruppenemail%>




    Inserts the description that is created for the group in the group settings.









    Inserts the domain from which your email messages are sent.

    Domain Data​





    Inserts the web domain of your Mapp Engage system.


    Inserts the email domain with which you send emails from your system.


    Inserts the name of your Mapp Engage system.


    Inserts the ID number of your Mapp Engage system. This number is assigned automatically to your system when the system is created.

    Contact Data​





    Inserts the email domain of the contact.


    Inserts the ID number of the contact.

    Mapp Engage assigns a unique ID number to every contact in the system.



    Group Category Data​





    Inserts the ID number of the group category. Mapp Engage assigns this number automatically when the category is created.




    Inserts the name of for the group category

    <%group_category_label%> <%groupcategory.label%>


    Inserts the description that is created for the group category

    <%groupcategory.description%> <%group_category_description%>

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