All Available Event-Based Jobs
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    All Available Event-Based Jobs

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    Article summary

    There are over 30 different event-based jobs available in the system. They are listed here with a short description and a link to a separate page with more information. The jobs are divided into the following categories:

    Single Messages​

    These jobs send single messages to contacts. All messages sent using these jobs are considered single messages by the system. In contrast to group messages, single messages can be sent many times within the same group to the same recipient. Single messages are calculated separately from group messages in the statistics.

    For more information, see ​Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.



    ​Send Prepared Message to Contact (C)​

    A contact forwarded a message using the Engage forward functionality. This does not include when the message is forwarded using the forward functionality of the recipient's email client.

    ​Send Prepared Message to Address (S/C)​

    A contact replied to a message by clicking the reply button in his email client or responding to an incoming SMS.

    You need to configure the ​Reply Handling​ in the group settings before using this automation.

    ​Send Previous Message to Contact (C)​

    A single message was sent to a recipient. Single messages are messages that are sent to only one recipient at a time, rather than to a whole group.

    ​Send Most Recent Message(s) to Contact (C)​

    The Engage system received a technical response after sendout regarding a problem with message sendout or delivery.

    Group Messages​

    Messages sent using this job are considered group messages by the system. Each sendout of the group message is assigned a separate message ID. Statistics are evaluated separately for each sendout of the group message.



    ​Send Prepared Message to Group (S)​

    This job sends a prepared message to the members of a group, for example after an address import is finished.


    These jobs pertain to contact management, including addresses and profile data.



    ​Add to Group Blacklist (C)​

    This job adds an email address to a group blacklist. In Engage, a blacklist is a register of email addresses that should not be contacted. A group-wide blacklist prevents communication from one specific group in the system. Blacklisted contacts are removed from the group.

    ​Manage Robinson List (C)​

    This job manages the Robinson list connected with your Engage system. Use this job to add an email address, email domain, or mobile number to the Robinson list of a Engage system. You can also use this job to delete entries from the Robinson list.

    ​Add to System Blacklist (C)​

    This job adds an email address to the system blacklist. In Engage, a blacklist is a register of addresses that should not be contacted. The system-wide blacklist prevents communication from any group in the system.

    ​Delete Contact (C)​

    This job deletes a contact from the system. The user email address or mobile number as well as all data associated with this contact are permanently deleted. There is no possibility to restore data that has been deleted with this job.

    ​Increase or Decrease Profile Value (C)​

    This job incrementally increases or decreases a numerical profile attribute. This is used to count the total number of message opens, clicks or conversions a contact completes.

    ​Deactivate Contact in Group (C)​

    This job assigns a response to a contact in a Engage group. The response is generated by the automation, not by any actual message sendout. Ultimately this job is used to control deactivation. After a certain number of responses, the contact is deactivated in the group and system-wide.

    ​Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)​

    This job stores values ​​in a contact's profile attributes. Any existing values are overwritten. You can store up to 10 values in one automation.

    This job can be used to store data from the event directly to a profile attribute. For example, add the link name, link category or the processing date of the event or the job to the profile of the corresponding contact.

    ​Execute Profile-Based Automations (S)​

    This job executes all profile-based automations in the system with the current status ​Applied​. A profile-based automation changes the attribute data of recipients in the system.

    ​Change Member Read Mode (C)​

    This job changes the read mode of a member of specific group. The read mode stores information about how a member prefers to receive messages within a group.

    ​Send New Password to Contact (C)​

    This job sends an email with a new password to a contact. The password is randomly generated.

    A contact cannot log into the Engage system. Your contacts only need a Engage password if you manage a preference center where contacts can change their message preferences.

    ​Send HTTP Request - Contact (C)​

    This job sends an HTTP request to an external server. This job provides an external server with information from an event. This information can include many types of information - for example, contact ID, group ID, message ID, link clicked or attribute values. The methods GET and POST are supported. If you create a POST request, you can add additional complex parameters to the request in XML or JSON. These parameters can include Engage placeholders.


    These jobs pertain to your Engage system or to system users. System users are the individuals who log into the Engage user interface to work in the Engage system.



    ​Send HTTP Request - System User (S)​

    This job send an HTTP request to an external server. The methods GET and POST are supported. If you create a POST request, you can add additional complex parameters to the request in XML or JSON. This can include Engage placeholders.

    This job provides an external server with information from the Engage system or from an event. Use this job when you want to send information about a system user to an external server.

    ​Send New Password to System User (S)​

    This job sends an email with a new password to a system user. The password is randomly generated. The system user who receives the new password per email should immediately log into Engage and change the password.

    ​Change Credit (S)​

    This job grants additional credits to the credit account of a system user. In Engage, you must have a credit account to send messages, upload images, or import files. The credits on this account let you send messages and complete other system tasks. For more information, see .


    These jobs pertain to group and subscription management.



    ​Add Contact to Group (C)​

    This job adds a member to a group. The contact must already exist in the system. This is not an import job.

    ​Add and Remove Member (C)​

    This job performs two actions: it removes a member from a source group and adds a member to a target group. The actions are preformed simultaneously.

    ​Remove Member From All Groups (C)​

    This job removes a contact from all groups in the system. This effectively ends all memberships in the system. The contact receives no further emails from the system unless he is again added to a group.

    Affects the group statistics: No.

    Confirmation email sent: No.

    ​Remove Member From Group (C)​

    This job removes a contact from one group. All other memberships remain unaffected. Group-specific data (member attributes and group membership statistics) are deleted for this contact.

    Affects the group statistics: No.

    Confirmation email sent: No.

    ​Unsubscribe Member From All Groups (C)​

    This job unsubscribes a contact from all groups in the system. The contact receives no further emails from the system unless he is again added to a group.

    Affects the group statistics: Yes.

    Confirmation email sent: Optional.

    ​Unsubscribe Member From One Group (C)​

    This job unsubscribes a member from one group. All other memberships remain unaffected.

    Affects the group statistics: Yes.

    Confirmation email sent: Optional.

    Import / Export​

    These jobs pertain to the import or export of data into or out of the system. Many of these jobs require a server (for example, FTP, SCP, HTTP or SOAP).



    ​Generate Import Report (S)​

    This job exports detailed results from an import job to a specified location. The report contains a list of contacts added, updated or deleted via import including any errors. This report is usually exported for automated processing. It can be used to synchronize external contact lists or identify contacts that were not imported successfully.

    ​Generate XML Group Report (S)​

    This job generates a group status report as an XML file.

    ​Export Message Statistics (S)​

    This job exports statistics for a group message. The statistics are exported to an email address or a server. The export is in Excel or CSV format.

    ​Export Data to Server (S)​

    This job exports data from the system. In contrast to the job ​Generate Report for Download​, the exports are not defined in advance. This job offers a number of configurable exports.

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