All Available Time-Based Jobs
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    All Available Time-Based Jobs

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    Article summary

    There are over 30 different time-based jobs available in the system. They are listed here with a short description and a link to a separate page with more information. On the interface, the jobs are divided into the following categories:

    • Contacts

    • Group

    • Single Messages​

    • Group Messages

    • Import / Export

    • System

    • Coupons

    Single Messages​

    These jobs send single messages to recipients. In contrast to group messages, single messages can be sent many times within the same group to the same recipient. Single messages are calculated separately from group messages in the statistics. For more information, see Single vs. Group Sendouts of Prepared Messages​.

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    Send Prepared Message to Address​

    Send Prepared Message to Address

    This job sends a prepared message to an email address or a server.

    ​Send Prepared Message to Selection​

    Send Prepared Message to Users

    This job sends a prepared message to a selection of contacts.

    ​Send Previous Message to Selection​

    Send Group Message To User (S/U) or Send Previous Message to Group

    This job resends a previous message to a selection. The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection.

    You can select any message sent previously. Only one message is resent.

    ​Send Most Recent Message(s) to Selection​

    Send Last Sent Group Message To User (S/U) or Send Last Message(s) to Selection

    This job resends the most recent message or messages to a selection. Up to 10 messages can be resent. The messages resent are the most recently sent messages in the group.

    Group Messages​

    Messages sent with this job are considered group messages by the system. Each sendout of the group message is assigned a separate message ID. Statistics are evaluated separately for each sendout of the group message. For more information, see Single vs. Group Sendouts of Prepared Messages​.

    Job Name


    ​Send Prepared Message to Group​

    This job sends a prepared message to a group.


    These jobs pertain to contact management, including addresses and profile data.

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    Manage Robinson List​

    Add to Robinson List

    This job manages the Robinson list which is connected with your Mapp Engage system. Use this job to add an email address, email domain, or mobile number to the Robinson list of a Mapp Engage system. You can also use this job to delete entries from the Robinson list.

    Execute Profile-Based Automations​

    Apply Profile Based Activity

    or Apply Mapping

    This job executes all profile-based automations in the system with the status ​Applied​. A profile-based automation changes the attribute data of contacts in the system.

    Change Member Read Mode​

    Change Read Mode

    This job changes the member read mode of members in a specific group. The member read mode stores information about how a member prefers to receive messages within a specific group. The channel and format settings are group-specific and only affect messages that are sent to the recipient in the selected group. Preferences for email, SMS, and fax are defined with this job.

    ​Delete Contacts​

    Delete User

    This job deletes contacts from the system. The contacts to be deleted are selected from the system-wide databank with a mandatory selection. The user email address or mobile number and all data that is associated with this contact are permanently deleted.

    ​Increase or Decrease User Attribute Value​

    Increment User Attribute

    This job incrementally increases or decreases a numerical profile attribute. Both standard and custom attributes can be changed. Member attributes and group attributes cannot be changed. The contacts whose profile attributes are changed are selected from the system-wide databank with a mandatory selection.

    Send New Password​

    Send New Password to User

    This job sends an email with a new password to the addresses in a selection.

    The password is randomly generated. The user who receives the new password email should immediately log into Mapp Engage and change their password.

    ​Store Data in Profile Attributes​

    Change Profile

    This job stores predefined values ​​in profile attributes.


    These jobs pertain to the Mapp Engage system.

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    ​Process Control XML​

    SOAP Control Message

    This job imports a Control XML job package from an FTP server or SCP service. The Control XML file contains instructions for performing a range of operations in Mapp Engage.

    Import and Process mbox File​


    This job imports and processes an mbox file. An mbox file contains many individual, highly personalized emails that have been generated by an external application. When Mapp Engage imports and processes the mbox file, it sends the emails.


    These jobs pertain to group and subscription management.

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    Add Contacts to Group​

    Add Member

    This job adds contacts to a group. The contacts become members of the group.

    The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection. The contacts must therefore already exist in the system.

    ​Add and Remove Members​

    Transfer Member

    This job performs two actions:

    • removes members from a source group

    • adds members to a target group

    The actions are performed simultaneously. The contacts for both actions are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection.

    Remove Members From All Groups​

    Remove from All Groups

    This job removes contacts from all groups in the system. The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection. The contact receives no further emails from the system unless they are again added to a group.

    Affects the group statistics: No.

    Confirmation email sent: No.

    Remove Selected Members From Group​

    Remove from Group

    This job removes contacts from one group. All other memberships remain unaffected. The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection.

    Affects the group statistics: No.

    Confirmation email sent: No.

    Unsubscribe Members From All Groups​

    Unsubscribe from All Groups

    This job unsubscribes members from all groups in the system. The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection.

    Affects the group statistics: Yes.

    Confirmation email sent: Optional.

    ​Unsubscribe Members From One Group​

    Unsubscribe from Group

    This job unsubscribes members from one group. All other memberships remain unaffected. The contacts are selected from the system-wide database with a mandatory selection.

    Affects the group statistics: Yes.

    Confirmation email sent: Optional.

    Delete Group​


    This job deletes a specific group from the system. Group-specific data (for example, group attributes and member attributes) and the group statistics are permanently deleted.

    Send Repeated Opt-In Reminder​

    Remind an unconfirmed recipient (S)

    or Remind Pending User Repetitive

    This job sends repeated opt-in reminders to unconfirmed recipients. Unconfirmed recipients are recipients who requested subscription to the group, but have not confirmed their subscription yet.

    Remove memberships by group creation date


    This job removes all memberships and member attributes from groups which belonged to the selected group categories.

    Requirements for cleaning up a specific group are:

    • group creation date, and

    • allowed group lifetime.

    Archive groups by group creation date


    This job archives groups which belonged to the selected group categories.

    Requirements for archiving specific group are:

    • group creation date, and

    • allowed group lifetime.

    Import / Export​

    These jobs pertain to the import or export of data into or out of the system. Many of these jobs require a server (for example, FTP, SCP, HTTP, or SOAP).

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    ​Import Contacts ​

    Import Member

    This job schedules the import of a contact list into Mapp Engage. The import file can be created in XML or CSV format and stored on a server.

    ​Export Data to Server​

    Export Data

    This job exports data from the system. In contrast to the job ​Generate Report for Download​, the exports are not defined in advance. This job offers several configurable exports.

    Most of the selected export data is raw data that is related to the addresses in the system. All address-related exports include the same standard information and, depending on the type of export, some additional information. In addition to address-related exports, you can also export group attributes, blacklist information and accumulated domain statistics.

    Generate Report for Download​

    Generate Report

    This job generates current data for an existing report. When this job is scheduled with a repetition that corresponds to the time frame for the report, updated information can be exported regularly.

    ​Generate Export​

    Generate Cloud Export

    This job generates Raw Data Exports and Cloud Exports. The export files are uploaded to a server.

    Generate Import Report​

    Upload Import Report

    This job exports detailed results from an import job to a specified location. The report contains a list of contacts which were added, updated, or deleted via import including any errors.

    Generate XML Group Report​

    Send Group Status XML Report

    This job generates a group status report as an XML file.

    Generate XML Message Report​

    Send Message Status XML Report.

    This job generates a message report as an XML file. The status report that is generated by this job is commonly used to upload and analyse message statistics in an external application.

    Related Data: Import Data​

    Import Data into Related Data Set

    This job imports data from an XML or CSV file into a related data set.


    These jobs pertain to the Coupon Manager feature (see Coupon Manager​). These jobs are only displayed in the drop-down list if this feature is enabled. For information, contact your account manager.

    Job Name

    Previous Name


    ​Generate Coupon Report​


    This job generates a coupon report. The report is exported to a server. The report provides you with an overview of the coupons available in the system.

    ​Import Coupons Into a Coupon List​


    This job imports coupons into a predefined coupon list. The coupons are imported from a server in CSV or XML format.

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