Analyses 6 – Analysis of Goal Achievement
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    Analyses 6 – Analysis of Goal Achievement

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    Article summary

    1 Website goals

    Website goals depict all defined conversion points, that were reached. They allow a quick analysis.

    1.1 Configuration

    Predefined is the website goal "Order". Further goals can be added individually.

    Other website goals (e.g. registration, newsletter subscription) can be tracked via e-commerce parameters (a separate parameter for each website goal.

    The configuration is done at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Goals

    1.2 Calculation "Conversions"

    Every achieved website goal is counted as a conversion.

    Thus, for the website goal "Order", "Conversions" equal "Qty Orders".

    1.3 Use Cases

    Which website goals were achieved?

    Analysis: Marketing > Website Goals

    Reading Example


    7,345 orders were tracked.

    How did the achievement of the website goals develop over time?

    Analysis: Marketing > Website Goals > Time Series

    Reading Example

    Conversions Registration

    In CW 12 the website goal "Registration" was tracked 29,777 times.

    Conversions Order

    In CW 12 the website goal "Order" was tracked 1,872 times.

    Which campaign channels were responsible for the achievement of the website goals?

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    Reading Example


    The website goal "Order" was tracked 1,661 times for the campaign channel "Affiliate Networks".

    The matching of campaign channel and website goal is done by the defined default attribution model. Further information can be found in the training chapter Campaign Analyses.

    In which order are campaign channels accessed prior to the achievement of the website goal "Order"?

    Analysis: Marketing > Customer Journeys >  Ad Media Path

    Reading Example


    In 39 conversions the ad media "Google Adwords.Brand.Fall16.Newborn" was accessed first followed by "Direct".


    A conversion value of 735.30 Euros was generated, when the ad media "Google Adwords.Brand.Fall16.Newborn" was accessed first followed by "Direct".

    2 Depths of Engagement

    Depths of engagement focus on the visit, not on the visitor. They depict the level of goal achievement within a visit. Only the depth of engagement with the highest priority is assigned.

    2.1 Configuration

    The main goal of the website should be defined as the best depth of engagement.
    Further depths of engagement show the intermediate steps in the course of reaching this goal.

    Example: Depths of engagement for an online shop

    (1-low, 20-high)

    Depths of Engagement




    Purchased a product


    Checkout Cancellations

    Access of a checkout page, but did not purchase


    Shopping Cart Cancellations

    Product placed in the shopping cart but did not access the checkout


    Product Cancellations

    Product viewed but did not add it to the shopping cart


    Other Visits

    No other depth of engagement

    Example: Depths of engagement for a content site

    (1-low, 20-high)

    Depths of Engagement



    Ad click

    Click on an advertising banner


    Article view

    An article page was viewed, but no ad banners were clicked


    Not interested users

    No articles viewed

    The setup is available at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Depths of Engagement

    • A selection of dimensions and metrics are available as filters.

    • The assignment of priorities allows the importance of the depth of engagements to be defined.

    This example shows, how 3 visits can be assigned to different depths of engagement

    2.2 Use Cases

    At which point do users abort on the way to reaching the goal?

    Analysis: Visitors > Visits > Depths of Engagement

    Reading Example


    In 74,644 visits the checkout was called, but a purchase was not made.

    Visits %

    In 1.75 % of all visits, the checkout was called, but a purchase was not made.

    Where do users per device class exit on the way to reaching the goal?

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    Reading Example


    In 28,605 visits, a tablet was used and a purchase was made.

    Visits %

    In 4.37 % of all visits via tablet, a purchase was made.

    In what percentage of all visits the main goal was reached?

    Analysis: Visitors > Time > Weeks

    Reading Example

    Conversion Rate % (Buyers)

    In 5,10 % of all visits in calendar week 43, a purchase was made.

    How do the depths of engagement spread per campaign channel?

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    Reading Example

    Visits %

    15,10 % of all visits came via the campaign channel "SEO".

    Reading Example

    Visits %

    In 5,37 % of all visits via the campaign channel "SEO" a purchase was made.

    Which products and product categories are added to the shopping cart, but not purchased?

    Depths of engagement can also be used in the filter engine.

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    Reading Example

    Qty Abandoned Products

    The product "p46879125" was added to the shopping cart 2,356 times, but not purchased within the visit.

    Abandoned Product Value

    The not purchased products had a total value of 297,215.75 €.

    Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate %

    48.03 % of all products "p46879125", that were added to the shopping cart, were not purchased.

    3 Visitor micro and macro status

    Visitor micro and macro status are used for analyzing the short- and long-term goal achievement of visitors.

    The specific criteria are predefined by Mapp Intelligence and are oriented on the requirements of a shop.

    3.1 Visitor micro status

    The visitor micro status shows the cycle beginning with the first contact until the purchase across multiple visits.

    Status 1 and 2 can be imported, the other status is automatically tracked by Mapp Intelligence.

    (1-low, 20-high)

    Micro Status




    Visitors for whom data were imported into Mapp Intelligence (e.g. offline data, data from call centers)




    Visitors with campaign views



    Visitors who accessed the website



    Product view

    Visitors with product views (based on product state)


    Abandoned basket

    Visitors who added a product to their shopping cart (based on product state)



    Visitors who bought a product or completed an order (based on product state or order value)

    Per visit a visitor always belongs to exactly the status with the highest priority, that he reached within the cycle.

    As soon as a purchase is made, a new cycle starts with the next visit.

    3.2 Visitor macro status

    The visitor macro status shows the process from the first contact until the repeated purchase across multiple visits.

    Status 1 and 2 can be imported, the other status is automatically tracked by Mapp Intelligence.

    (1-low, 20-high)

    Macro Status




    Visitors for whom data were imported into Mapp Intelligence (e.g. offline data, data from call centers)




    Visitors with campaign views



    Visitors who accessed the website



    Product view

    Visitors with product views (based on product state)


    Abandoned basket

    Visitors who added a product to their shopping cart (based on product state)



    Visitors who supplied their customer ID or email address (based on Customer ID or User – Email Receiver Id)


    New customer

    Visitors who bought a product or completed an order (based on product state or order value)


    Returning buyer

    Visitors who bought products or completed orders more than once (based on product state or order value)

    Per visit, a visitor always belongs to exactly the status with the highest priority, that he reached within the process.

    A visitor keeps his highest reached status for his lifetime.

    3.3 Examples for assigning visitor micro and macro status

    Example: Micro and macro status of a visitor

    It is differentiated between customer and customer profile.

    • Customer: The value a user had at a specific date.

    • Customer Profile: Solely shows the current status of the user (up to his last visit). The last visit does not necessarily have to be within the analysis time period.

    Example: Micro and profile micro status of a visitor

    Example: Macro and profile macro status of a visitor

    3.4 Use Cases

    Which micro status did visitors reach?

    Analysis: Visitors > User - Relationship Management > User - Micro Status

    Reading Example


    In 1.462.698 visits users reached the status "Abandoned basket".

    Visits %

    In 54.05 % of all visits users did have the status "Abandoned basket".

    Which micro status did users reach in their last visit?

    Analysis: Visitors > User - Relationship Management > User - Micro Status

    • Filter: Limit analysis to the last visit of a user

    • Analysis:

    Reading Example

    % of All Visitors

    8,12 % of all users did have the status "Abandoned basket" in their last visit.

    Which macro status did users reach until the end of the analysis period?

    Analysis: Visitors > User - Relationship Management > User - Macro Status

    Reading Example


    16.322 visitors did make at least 2 orders so far.

    % of All Visitors

    1,20 % of all visitors did make at least 2 orders so far.

    Please note: A user who reaches several macro statuses in different visits is shown multiple times in the analysis!

    What macro status did users reach until today?

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    Reading Example

    % of All Visitors

    1.86 % of all users currently have the macro status "New Customer".

    User Profile - Visits per Visitor*

    On average "New Customers" made 10.26 visits in total in their lifetime.

    *This is a custom formula.

    What micro status did users reach per macro status in their last visit?

    Analysis: Individual Analysis

    • Filter: Limit analysis to the last visit of a user

    • Analysis:

    Reading Example

    % of All Visitors

    0.62 % of all users did have the macro status "New Customer" in their last visit and at the same time the micro status "Product view".

    Visits %

    0,95% of all "New Customers" did have the micro status "Product view" in their last visit.

    How many orders were made by new and existing customers?

    Analysis: Visitors > User - Relationship Management > User - Macro Status

    Reading Example

    Qty Orders

    2165 orders were made by "Returning buyers".

    Order Value Avg

    The average order value of orders by "Returning buyers" was 92.09 Euros.

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