Anonymize a Contact
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    Anonymize a Contact

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    Article summary


    To anonymize contacts in the system in compliance with data privacy requirements.

    Be careful when selecting this function! The ​Anonymize Contact​ function is effective immediately, without a confirmation step. 


    1. In the Main Navigation​, click ​Audience​ > ​Contact Management> All Contacts.

      An overview of all the contacts in your system opens.

    2. To the left of the contact you want to anonymize, click Anonymize Contact​
      ⇒The system displays a message that the user has been anonymized successfully. The system also sends an email confirmation that the Contact ID and email are anonymized.

    When you anonymize a contact, you permanently hash the contact with a Secure Hash Algorithm 3. This hashes the address, profile data, and message history for this contact in the entire system. This action cannot be reversed.

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