Attribute References
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    Attribute References

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    Article summary

    An attribute reference is the syntax of an attribute in Mapp Engage. This syntax is the form of the attribute that Mapp Engage recognizes and can use to process the attribute information.

    Use the attribute reference in the following situations:

    • When you create personalized messages.

    • When you import contact data and profile data into Mapp Engage with a CSV or XML file.

    • When you create Mapp Engage functions.

    This topic provides an overview of the following attribute references:

    • Standard Attributes

    • Custom Attributes​

    • Group Attributes​

    • Member Attributes​

    • Placeholders for Other Information​

    Standard Attributes​

    In individually configured systems, standard attributes can store different values from those listed here. Usually, however, the attributes are filled with the following values.

    To create personalization placeholders: To insert information directly into a message, the expression is placed within the placeholder characters <% .... %>. These characters tell the system to replace everything within these characters with the respective data or information that is expressed within. This process takes place during sendout. You can preview resolved personalizations in the ​Message Preview​ window.


    Attribute Reference

    Personalization Placeholder

    Data Stored in the Attribute

    ​Email Address



    Email address of the contact.

    ​Mobile Number



    Mobile number of the contact.

    The mobile number must include the area code. It can include a plus sign (+) before the number.

    ​Mobile App Alias​



    Mobile app alias of the contact.

    First Name



    First name of the contact

    ​Last Name



    Last name of the contact.




    Defines the prefix added to the name of the contact. The attribute value is stored in the system as a number.

    • Mr. - The attribute value is stored as the number 1.

    • Ms. - The attribute value is stored as the number 2.If a value is not specified, the attribute value is stored as -1.

    Do not use a placeholder to insert the ​Title​ attribute into a message. The number is inserted into the text of your message.

    ​Date of Birth​



    The date of birth of the contact.

    Example: 1965-04-16

    Source ID



    ID which identifies the source of the contact (for example, from specific pages or actions).




    External identifier (for example, from a CRM system).

    In the contact profile, the ​Identifier​ attribute stores an external identifier in the Mapp Engage system. This ID can be an ID used in an external CRM system.

    The maximum length of the external identifier is 20 characters.




    The home country of the contact.

    The format is the standardized ISO country format (for example, FR for France, EN for England).




    Language of the recipient.

    The format is the standardized ISO language format (for example, fr for French, en for English).

    Postal Code​



    Postal code of the contact.

    Preferred Name



    The preferred name of the contact.




    This attribute stores the origin of the contact.

    Mapp Engage fills this attribute automatically when the contact is created in the system.

    The following values ​​are possible:

    • ​Import​ - The contact was created by a data import (CSV, XML or text).

    • Add​ - The contact was created in the system manually.

    • Web​ - The contact subscribed from a landing page.

    • Mail​ - The contact subscribed via email. This function is configured in the group settings.

    • SMS​ - The contact subscribed via inbound SMS.

    • Unknown​ - The origin of the contact is not known.

    • Forward​ - The contact was created with a forwarded message.

    • Preview​ - The contact was added as a test recipient in a group.

    • SOAP​ - The contact was added by an API call.




    This attribute stores the gender of the contact.

    • If a value is not specified, the attribute value is stored as 0. This is shown as 'unset' in Mapp Engage.

    • Male - The attribute value is stored as the number 1.

    • Female - The attribute value is stored as the number 2.

    • Undisclosed - The attribute value is stored as the number 3

    Custom Attributes​

    A custom attribute is a property field that stores data about a contact. This type of attribute is created specifically for your system and does not come standard with Mapp Engage. You can create custom attributes to store contacts relevant to your digital marketing needs and strategies.

    • You can view the name of the profile attributes in your system in the ​Administration​ area.

    • The attribute reference has the following format: ${user.CustomAttribute['Name']}.

    • The corresponding personalization placeholder has the following format: <%${user.CustomAttribute['Name']}%>.


    An attribute named LastPurchase has the following reference: ${user.CustomAttribute['LastPurchase']}.

    To insert the attribute value directly in a message, use the placeholder <%${user.CustomAttribute['LastPurchase']}%>.

    Group Attributes​

    A group attribute stores one value for all group members, which is identical.

    • You can view the name and values of the group attributes in each group in the ​Groups​ area.

    • You can create group attributes in the Mapp Engage interface in the ​Groups​ area or with an import file.

    • The attribute reference has the following format: ${group.CustomAttribute['Name']}.

    • The corresponding personalization placeholder has the following format: <%${group.CustomAttribute['Name']}%>.


    An attribute named TravelDestination has the following reference: ${group.CustomAttribute['TravelDestination']}.

    To insert the attribute value directly in a message, use the placeholder <%${group.CustomAttribute['TravelDestination']}%>.

    Member Attributes​

    Member attributes let you save different information for the same contact in various groups.

    • You can only create member attributes by importing an XML or CSV file; you cannot create member attributes manually on the Mapp Engage interface.

    • You can view member attributes in the contact profile, but only when you access the contact through the ​Memberships​ tab in the ​Contact Management​ area.

    • The attribute reference has the following format: ${user.MemberAttribute['Name']}.

    • The corresponding personalization placeholder has the following format: <%${user.MemberAttribute['Name']}%>.


    An attribute named LastPurchase has the following reference: ${user.MemberAttribute['LastPurchase']}.

    To insert the attribute value directly in a message, use the placeholder <%${user.MemberAttribute['LastPurchase']}%>.

    Placeholders for Other Information​




    The date when the contact subscribed to the group or was added.

    The creation date has the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:ms.


    The cumulative number of messages sent from the selected group to the contact.


    Name of the group.


    Email address of the group.


    Current number of active members of the group.


    Number of recipients who were sent a message that contained the placeholder.


    This attribute contains a Boolean value.

    • False​ - The message was sent in a normal sendout.

    • True ​ - The message was forwarded using a Mapp Engage forward message form.


    The domain of the email address of the contact.

    The email domain is the part of the address after the @ sign.

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