Attribute References
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    Attribute References

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    Article summary


    In Mapp Engage, an attribute reference is the specific syntax used to recognize and process attribute information. You’ll use this syntax when working with:

    • Personalized messages

    • Importing contact and profile data via CSV or XML

    • Creating Mapp Engage functions

    This guide provides an overview of various types of attribute references:

    • Standard Attributes

    • Custom Attributes

    • Group Attributes

    • Member Attributes

    • Placeholders for Additional Information

    Standard Attributes​

    In individually configured systems, the values stored in standard attributes may vary. Typically, the attributes contain the following information.


    Attribute Reference

    Personalization Placeholder

    Data Stored

    ​Email Address



    Contact's email address

    ​Mobile Number



    Contact's mobile number (with area code)

    ​Mobile App Alias​



    Contact's mobile app alias

    First Name



    Contact's first name

    ​Last Name



    Contact's last name




    Contact's title (e.g., Mr., Ms.)

    ​Date of Birth​



    Contact's date of birth (format: YYYY-MM-DD)

    Source ID



    ID identifying the source of contact




    External identifier (e.g., from a CRM system)




    Contact's home country (ISO format)




    Contact's language (ISO format)

    Postal Code​



    Contact's postal code

    Preferred Name



    Contact's preferred name




    Origin of contact (e.g., Import, Web, Email)




    Contact's gender (Male, Female, Undisclosed)

    Custom Attributes

    Custom attributes store data specific to your system’s requirements. These attributes are not pre-configured in Mapp Engage and must be created to fit your digital marketing needs.

    • Attribute reference format: ${user.CustomAttribute['Name']}

    • Placeholder format: <%${user.CustomAttribute['Name']}%>

    For example, an attribute named LastPurchase would have the reference: ${user.CustomAttribute['LastPurchase']}, and the placeholder: <%${user.CustomAttribute['LastPurchase']}%>.

    Group Attributes

    Group attributes hold a single value shared across all group members.

    • Attribute reference format: ${group.CustomAttribute['Name']}

    • Placeholder format: <%${group.CustomAttribute['Name']}%>

    For instance, the attribute TravelDestination would have the reference: ${group.CustomAttribute['TravelDestination']}, and the placeholder: <%${group.CustomAttribute['TravelDestination']}%>.

    Member Attributes

    Member attributes allow you to store unique information for the same contact in different groups. These attributes are created through an import process, using XML or CSV files.

    • Attribute reference format: ${user.MemberAttribute['Name']}

    • Placeholder format: <%${user.MemberAttribute['Name']}%>

    For example, an attribute named LastPurchase would have the reference: ${user.MemberAttribute['LastPurchase']}, and the placeholder: <%${user.MemberAttribute['LastPurchase']}%>.

    Placeholders for Other Information​




    Date the contact subscribed to the group (format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)


    Number of messages sent to the contact from the group


    Name of the group


    Group's email address


    Number of active members in the group


    Number of recipients who received the message


    Indicates whether the message was forwarded (Boolean)


    Domain of the contact’s email address (after the @ sign)

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