Automatic Assignment of Link Categories
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    Automatic Assignment of Link Categories

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    Article summary

    Advantages of automatic assignment​

    Link categories can be assigned manually or automatically.

    An automatic assignment is recommended for:

    • Messages containing large links: When automatic link assignment is used, the message's author does not have to customize each link individually. Instead, the system checks every sendout for links corresponding to a link category. Links are automatically given the appropriate link category and are available in the application for scenarios such as selections, statistics, etc. (see ​Link Categories​).

    • Links in Attributes or Related Data Sets: Links that are saved in attributes or related data sets are individually inserted into the message during the sendout process. Because this kind of link only becomes identifiable as a link when the message is processed, the link category must be assigned automatically. Automatic assignment of link categories also makes sense if there are too many links or too many different kinds of links in a message for manual assignment to be practical.
      To evaluate personalized links, link tracking for customized links must be enabled for the group (see Activate Link Tracking for a Group​).
      When only part of a link is saved in the attributes or related data set, the placeholder name is used to allocate the link categories. For example,<%${user.CustomAttribute['hotel']}%> could be assigned to a category based on the string hotel. Link tracking does not need to be turned on for individualized links.

    Automatic assignment of the link categories​

    In Engage, link categories are created in the  Administration area. The assignment is done automatically with a regular expression (Regex). Link categories that are used for automatic assignment can be used at any time for a manual assignment (even if the keyword or Regex does not apply).

    When linking to pages that are integrated via an Engage Variable in the email (for example, landing pages), the assignment must be done automatically. The  Engage Variable is not recognized as a link during message creation. The  Engage Variable is converted into a link when the message is sent. This makes manual assignment impossible. For the automatic assignment, a word from the URL or the complete URL of the landing page is entered as a keyword or Regex.

    Assignment by Keyword

    A keyword is a single word that must appear in the link address for the assignment of the link category. The function allows automatically assigning link categories without any programming knowledge. The system automatically converts the individual term. A Regex must be created to define more complex rules for allocating the link category.

    Keywords are case-sensitive. This means that a distinction is made between upper and lowercase letters. The link text itself (the part of the text that is clicked in the HTML message) is not considered for the automatic assignment of link categories. Only the actual link address is searched via Regex.


    Links that contain the string hotel are assigned to the  Travel link category. In Engage, the regular expression .*hotel.* or the keyword hotel is entered.

    In this case, the following URLs are assigned to the  Travel  link category:

    •,, (or any other combination of characters before or after the string hotel)

    The following URLs are not recognized and not assigned to the Travel link category:

    • or (regular expressions are case-sensitive!)

    • <a href="">hotel</a> (the system does not search the link text, it only searches the URL)

    • Only URLs that contain the expression hotel within the personalization in the link are recognized. The pattern must be identifiable in the main link.

    Assignment via Regex (regular expression)

    Regex identifies patterns in the text to determine the link category. (see

    Text patterns can be made up of any sequence of characters or numbers. Regex makes it possible to define an almost infinite variety of parameters to identify the links. Entry of a string is the easiest method. The link is searched for the string. The string can be located anywhere in the link. Searches are case-sensitive unless otherwise specified in the Regex. The link text itself (i.e., the text that is clicked in the HTML message) is not considered during the automatic assignment of the link category. Only the link address is searched via Regex.


    • .*Resort.*
      This expression searches for all links that contain the word "Resort" anywhere in the link. All links that fulfill the criteria are assigned to the associated link category. It is even easier to accomplish the assignment via a keyword.

    • (?=.*Cruise)(?=.*Bahamas).*
      This expression searches every link for the words "Cruise" and "Bahamas." The words can be located anywhere in the link. All links that fulfill the criteria are assigned to the associated link category.

    • .*Cruise|Bahamas.*
      Keyword assignments in Regex make it possible to formulate more complex searches. This Regex searches every link for the words "Cruise" or the word "Bahamas." The words can be located anywhere in the link. All links that fulfill the criteria are assigned to the associated link category.

    Assignment of Link Categories​

    Manual assignment of link categories takes place during message creation. Automatic link assignment occurs during message sendout.

    The category of a link can be changed. This should take place as soon as possible after the message is sent. The category change goes into effect on the date it is entered. Previously accumulated information, such as statistics, is not changed. For example, statistics cannot be retroactively adjusted.

    The name of a link category can be changed at any time. The name change is applied immediately.

    Priorities in the assignment of Link Categories​

    • Automatic Assignment (when multiple link categories are applicable):
      A link can only be assigned to one category at a time. If a URL contains an expression that matches the regular expression patterns of several link categories, the URL is assigned to the category with the highest priority (see ​Set Priority of the Link Categories​).
      The priority of an existing link category can be adjusted via the  Link Category Overview window (see ​Link Category Overview (tab)​).

    • Automatic vs. Manual Assignment:
      If both manual and automatic assignment functions are used, the manual assignment overrides the automatic assignment. The  OK  button saves the manual assignments and closes the window. Once the window for assigning link categories is closed, the automatic assignment of categories no longer affects the message. The manually adjusted link categories remain unchanged even if adjustments to the Regex are made to define automatic assignments.

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