Automation Scenarios for System Tasks
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    Automation Scenarios for System Tasks

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    Article summary

    These scenarios show you how to automate routine system tasks. Automations save time and effort when you work in Mapp Engage.

    Each scenario provides setup instructions.

    To see scenarios for customer lifecycle marketing, see ​Automation Scenarios for Customer Lifecycle Marketing​.

    Task Type




    Exports and Statistics

    ​Automate Regular Export Delivery​

    Automate regular delivery of exports - for example, on a daily or monthly basis.

    This can be a one-time execution or a repeated schedule.

    • Export data for use in an external system (for example, in a CRM or data warehouse).

    • Ensure the consistency and comparability of reports and statistics over time.

    Automate Message Statistics Exports​

    Automate the export of message statistics after every group sendout. Mapp Engage sends the statistics to a server or to an email address. You can choose to export data in a CSV or Excel file.

    • Get message statistics delivered automatically.

    • There's no need to log into Mapp Engage to view and download statistics after every sendout.

    Group Maintenance

    ​Automate Contact File Import​

    Automate regular import of a CSV, XML or text file that contains contact data. Use the file to add new contacts to a group or to update profile data.

    This can be a one-time execution or a repeated schedule.

    • Save time with automated imports.

    • You only need to create the import settings once.

    ​Welcome Program (Import)​

    Schedule automated import of new contacts on a weekly basis. After import, you want to send a welcome message to the newly imported contacts. A selection filters for the new members. This prevents the welcome message from being sent to existing contacts, as well.

    • Welcome new contacts to the newsletter or to your brand.

    • Ensure that existing contacts do not receive the message.

    ​Configure a Reactivation Campaign Template​

    Reactivate recipients who have not opened a message for a certain period of time and to delete abandoned email addresses from the system.

    • Encourages sleepy subscribers to re-engage with your newsletter or brand.

    • Identifies inactive email addresses and deletes them.

    ​Unsubscribe Contact Based on Key Words in Reply​

    Automatically unsubscribe group members who send a reply to a message. Only replies that contain a key word - for example, "unsubscribe" or "do not contact" - result in an unsubscribe. You can define your own key word.

    • Allow automatic unsubscribes based on keywords in a reply.

    System Upkeep

    ​Delete Old Related Data Records​

    Automatically delete related data records after a certain period of time. The records are deleted permanently. The data cannot be restored.

    • Delete data records that you no longer need from a related data 

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