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Best Practice: Consent Management with UserCentrics
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The Usercentrics Consent Management Platform (CMP) can be implemented into Tag Integration quickly and easily. Thus, it allows you to only fire your tags if you have the consent of your user.
In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to
implement the Usercentrics script in Tag Integration, and
fire your Tags only after consent.
For a precise description of the Usercentrics system's functionality, please visit their website at usercentrics.com.
1. Create Custom Plugin
First, you have to create a new tag, in which the code for the Usercentrics script is saved.
To do this, open Tag Integration, choose Custom plugins, and click New plugin.
Enter a name for the plugin (e.g. "Usercentrics CMP") and select HTML at the lower edge of the Content box.
In the Content box, you can add the script. You can find the script at your Usercentrics settings-dashboard at the menu item General > Script. It looks as follows:
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://app.usercentrics.eu/latest/main.js" id="XXXXXXXXX"></script>
In the above example you should replace "XXXXXXXXX" with your Usercentrics Settings-ID. The Settings-ID can be found in your Settings-Backend when you login to your Usercentrics Account.
Check use 'document.write' and save the plugin.
2. Add Plugin to Container
Select your WEB container at the menu item Containers and add the custom plugin (in our example "Usercentrics CMP"). Assign the rule All pages and click on the button Add plugin.
3. Parameter set-up
The Usercentrics script communicates with Tag Integration via custom events. Therefore, it is still necessary to define the corresponding parameters which are used by Tag Integration.
To this end, click on the button New parameter at the menu item Parameters.
Enter a name (e.g. "Usercentrics - Google AdWords"). As Type, select JavaScript variable.
At Definition, add ti_event.data['<<NAME>>']
, where <<NAME>> is the name of the specific consent service.
In our example, we want to configure the Google AdWords service and define ti_event.data['Google AdWords']
(case-sensitive and space-sensitive!).
The name of the variable is the same, as well as the corresponding consent in your settings.
Please repeat the creation of the parameters for each tag which should be fired only after the active consent of your visitors.
4. Rule set-up
Click on the button New rule at the menu item Rules.
Enter a name (e.g. "Usercentrics - Google AdWords"). Select the condition Event, and configure the following settings:
Event type: CUSTOM_EVENT
Eventname: Insert the name of the window event (e.g. "UsercentricsDataEvent"). To this end, please log in to Usercentrics and copy the event name as defined in your Usercentrics settings at the menu item Service Settings > Advanced Data Processing Settings > Window Event. Activate the trigger consents_initialized_storage and specific_consents_changed.
Element: window
Window event in your UserCentrics Settings:
Afterwards, click the button Add Condition, select Parameter, and configure the specific consent parameter (in our example "Usercentrics - Google AdWords") with the condition equals
and value true
Please repeat the creation of the rules for each tag, which should be fired only after the active consent of your visitors.
5. Activation
Select your WEB container at the menu item Containers and reconfigure all custom plugins that require a consent for execution.
Do you need an opt-in for Mapp Intelligence?
In this case, open your Mapp Intelligence plugin and execute the following tasks:
Deactivate "Execute 'sendinfo' automatically" in Basic > Optional settings.
Activate "Execute plugins in the "head" in Basic > Optional settings.
Optional: In the Event tab, leave the field "Event tracking" blank in case you want to track link clicks.
Optional: In the Form tab, leave the field "Form tracking" blank in case you want to track forms.
As execution rule, you can still use "All pages":
Basic tab:
Event tab:
Form tab:
Afterwards, create a custom plugin (Custom Plugins > New plugin). Enter a name (e.g., "Send Mapp Intelligence Pageview"). As Template, select Send Page update (don't execute all plugins again). Enter the following lines of code in the plugin:
window.wts = window.wts || [];
//Optional: add link tracking
//Optional: add form tracking
window.wts.push(["formTrackInit", ti_parameter("FormParam")]);
window.wts.push(["formTrackInit", document.forms[0]]);
//Send request to trackserver
window.wts.push(["send", "pageupdate", true]);
If you use form tracking, create the corresponding JavaScript ti_parameters before adding them to the custom plugin.
Add this plugin to your WEB container. As an execution rule, configure your specific consent rule (e.g., "Usercentrics - Mapp Intelligence").