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    Article summary


    A block represents a specific chunk of content. Each block contains a reusable piece of variable content. For example, a block can be a header area with an image and three columns of text. When you create the message, you fill the blocks with content.

    When you create an email template or message, the framework determines which blocks are available. The code of the block defines which parts of the content are edited.

    New systems have several default blocks for you to use.

    You have complete access to the HTML code of the blocks. However, you need knowledge of email HTML to create or edit the HTML for a block successfully.

    When you edit a block, you can use the toggle switch  Update blocks automatically and the changes will apply to all templates where this block is used. The toggle switch is off by default. Changes do not apply to already sent emails that contain the template.

    If you update a block with the toggle switch off to update only the current block, and decide to update all other blocks later, you can come back to this block, activate the switch and save. In this case, the changes apply to all templates that contain that block. 

    Please note, this does not work for blocks in scheduled or prepared messages. Changes only affect the blocks in our Content Management System.


    Mapp Engage uses permissions to grant access to information and functions in the system. Permissions allow you to control the level of access that each role in your system has to different content management functions.

    To create and manage blocks in the content management area, you need the following permissions:

    • ​2110 Content Management: View and Use Blocks​

    • ​2111 Content Management: Create Blocks​

    • ​2112 Content Management: Edit Blocks​

    • ​2113 Content Management: Delete Blocks​

    • ​2140 Content Management: Use Forms​

    • ​2141 Content Management: Create Forms​

    • ​2142 Content Management: Edit Forms​

    • ​2143 Content Management: Delete Forms​

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