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    Article summary

    Campaign tracking is used to track your success in marketing activities on the Internet as well as offline. With the help of campaign tracking, website goals can be assigned to individual marketing activities, so that you can identify effective promotions, costs from campaigns or the order in which campaigns are received, for example.

    Learn more about campaigns in the training chapters campaign analyses and campaign configuration.

    Since each campaign is individual, there is no basic configuration. This means that you must configure your campaign in Mapp Q3 before you can use it for tracking. Without this configuration, no campaign information is recorded. Detailed information on configuring campaigns can be found in the training chapter campaign configuration.


    In the section, you find a description of all available settings in the Campaign tab.

    Media code parameter

    If you use media codes as a data source for your campaign tracking, entering the name of the media code parameter can increase tracking accuracy. Without this information, up to 10% of the tracked data can, for example, be impaired if certain firewalls are used. You can also define several media codes, each separated by a semicolon.

    Track campaign only once per session

    If you only want to track each campaign once within a specific session, you can force this by using this parameter. The pixel will then overwrite the campaign with ignore from the second page impression. This means that if a campaign is clicked more than once within a specific session, only the first campaign click will be evaluated.

    Campaign ID

    You have the option of setting your own campaign ID in the pixel. A campaign ID consists of a media code name and its value, separated by %3D.

    Campaign parameter

    If you want to measure additional information in your campaigns, you can use optional campaign parameters. 


    • display format

    • target group

    • link position

    Note, that you have to set up the parameter in Mapp Q3. Find additional information here.

    Like media codes, campaign parameters can either be appended to your URL or can be specified directly in the configuration of a page.

    If there are identical parameters in the URL as well as in the page configuration, the page configuration takes precedence and overwrites the URL parameter.

    Campaign information can be passed in the data layer of the website - irrespective of the URL.

    wts.push(["campaignId", "newsletter.wk36.version_a"]);

    Similarly, the optional campaign parameters can be passed in the data layer:

    wts.push(["campaignParameter", {
    	1: "personalized newsletter"

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