Change Group-Specific Permissions
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    Change Group-Specific Permissions

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    Article summary


    To change the group-specific permissions granted to a group role for a specific group in Engage. These permissions override the general group permissions granted to users assigned this system role.

    Background Information​

    For each group it is a member of, a user account is assigned a group role. The group role determines what functions of the group the users with that role can access, as well as what group information the users are able to see.

    Group-specific permissions apply to a specific group. These permissions override the general permissions granted to a system role for that group.


    Users with the ​Manager​ group role do not have the general group permission to remove members from groups. You would, however, like to give users with this group role the ability to remove members from a specific group called ​WeeklySendoutList​.

    You select the ​Manager​ group role in the ​Group (Specific)​ window and grant the permission that allows all users with this group role to remove members from this group. All system users with the group role ​Manager​ in the group ​WeeklySendoutList​ can now remove members from this group. Users who are assigned the ​Manager​ group role in other groups, however, cannot perform this action in other groups.


    • The group role you wish to change is ranked lower than your own.

    • Your group role is granted the permission ​403: Group Administration: Change the permissions of lower group roles​.


    1. In the Main Navigation​, click ​User Management​ > Permissions> Group (Specific).

    2. From the ​Group Role​ drop-down list, select the group role for which the permissions should be changed.
      ⇒ The window shows the group permissions available to the selected group role. The permissions selected in the ​Granted​ column are already held by this role.

      Use the ​Category ​ drop-down list to limit the number of permissions displayed by type.

    3. Select a check box in the ​Granted​ column to grant additional permissions.

    4. Deselect a check box in the ​Granted​ column to remove permissions.

    5. Click ​Save​.
      ⇒ Changes to the selected system role are saved. All system users who are assigned this group role have these permissions in the groups where they are a member.

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