Change the Owner of a Personalization
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    Change the Owner of a Personalization

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    Article summary


    To transfer the ownership of a personalization to another system user.

    Background Information

    Depending on their system role, users can view, apply and edit all, or just their own personalization. In some cases, it may be necessary to create personalizations for other users. To create a personalization for a user who has limited permission rights within the system, you need to transfer the personalization to the user. Only the owner of a personalization can apply the personalization to a message. Once a user with restricted permission rights is assigned as the owner of the permission, he has full use of the personalization.


    1.  In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience > Segmentation >  > ​Selection​.
       ⇒  The ​Selection Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click the ​Personalization​ tab.
       ⇒  The Personalization Overview​ window opens.

    3.  In the column ​Actions​ next to the personalization select  ​Owner​.

       ⇒  The window Transfer Ownership opens.

    4. To select the new owner by name, click ​Search​.
      ⇒   The window ​Member Search​ opens.

    5.  Enter the search criteria which will be used to find the new owner.
       Full or partial criteria can be entered (e.g., just the first 3 letters of the last name). The search results are displayed, based on the criteria entered.
       The following search criteria are available:  

      • Last Name: Search by last name.

      • Address Type: Search based on one of the following three user address types:

        • Email: The email address of the user.

        • Mobile: The mobile phone number of the user.

        • Fax: The fax number of the user.

      • System Role: Search based on the role of the user. This is valid for the user throughout the entire system.

      • Customer Identifier: Search based on the unique identification number that was automatically assigned to the user by Mapp Engage.

    6. Click Search.
       ⇒  The search is initiated based on the criteria entered.

    7.  In the search results, click to select the new owner.
        ⇒  The selected user is displayed as the ​New Owner​.

    8.  Click ​Transfer Ownership​.

        ⇒  The window ​Transfer Ownership​ opens to confirm the new owner of the personalization.

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