Conduct a Domain Warmup for a New Mapp Engage System
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    Conduct a Domain Warmup for a New Mapp Engage System

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    Article summary


    You want to be sure that your new domain is recognized and not treated as spam. That's why we always advise you to 'warm up' the domain over the first few weeks. Sending out your first few emails in small batches spread over a number of days is a recommended technique.


    Before you build the whiteboard, make sure you create a prepared message  in Mapp Engage.


    In this example, we want to do the first sendout to 10,000 selected contacts. For deliverability reasons, we have split the sendout across five days, dividing contacts randomly and scheduling a sendout each day.

    Show detailed configuration

    1. Use the job Whiteboard Audience to define the audience and the date and time.

    2. Add the filter Random Split. Two paths are there by default. Add three more. This splits the contacts into five random groups.

    3. Add the job Send Email Message to the first path. Set the date and select the email message.

    4. Add the Send Email Message job to all remaining paths, always choosing the same email message, but changing the date to one day later than in the previous path.

    You can also find a course on campaigns at Mapp Academy. Log in and search for "Mapp Engage - Deliverability ".

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    Random Split

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