Configuration and Mapping via Tag Integration
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    Configuration and Mapping via Tag Integration

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    Article summary


    To configure the plugin, follow these simple steps:

    1. In the admin panel, go to Stores > Configuration

    2. In the plugin list, select Mapp Cloud >Mapp Intelligence > Tag Integration

    3. Enable the plugin

    4. You need to enter your tiId and the responder domain, all the other values are optional



    TagIntegration ID

    The Tag Integration ID equals the trackId of the first account in Mapp Intelligence. When in doubt, contact Mapp support.

    TagIntegration Domain

    Enter your Tag Integration domain. Usually, this should be "".

    Custom Domain

    Enter your domain here, if the TagIntegration file should be loaded from your server.

    Custom Path

    Enter the path to your JavaScript file here, if the TagIntegration file should be loaded from your server.

    Attribute blacklist

    You can put here a list of all attributes that should be filtered out of the data layer, separated by a semicolon. For example you can exclude the following attributes like this "customer*", "orderPayment*", "orderBilling*" und "orderShipping*".

    The following key should not be filtered because it is used by the plugin itself:

    • addProductEntityId

    Add-to-cart Eventname

    The name of the add-to-cart event, which takes place whenever a visitor adds a product to the shopping cart. If no value is given, 'add-to-cart' will be used.

    After changing the configuration, you will need to flush the cache. This can be done via path_to_magento_app/bin/magento cache:flush. In the Admin panel, you can go to System > Cache Management and flush the cache from there.


    Mapp allows you to load the responder script (which loads the Tag Integration container) as well as the tracking domain (which loads the tracking pixel) from your own domain instead of the ones provided by Mapp.

    Since Adobe Commerce now has its own Content Security Policies (CSP) service which is enabled by default, you need to add your own domains to the whitelist. It is possible to do this by editing a file of the plugin.

    You can find the file on your server under app/code/Webtrekk/TagIntegration/etc/csp_whitelist.xml

    Future plugin updates might overwrite those changes and you'd need to apply them again.

    Under the img-src policy you can add /replace your custom track domain, and under the script-src policy, you can add/replace your custom responder domain.

    More information about Adobe Commerce CSP can be found here.


    Here you'll learn how to map the Magento store data that is exposed under window_ti via Mapp Tag Integration.

    It is a simple two-part process:

    1.  Create a parameter that reads the data from the _ti object.

      Example: To track the pageName, create a parameter in TI like this:

    2. Map the data to the Mapp Intelligence plugin in your container within the Mapp Intelligence plugin

    Attribute overview of _ti object



    Suggested mapping


    URL without parameter.

    Page → Page name


    Meta title of the page.

    Publisher → Page title


    Sha256 hash of the customer's email address

    Visitor → Customer Id


    '1' for male and '2' for female (this will only work if the technical name for Salutations is for male Mr or Herr, and Ms, Mrs, Miss or Frau for female (see Settings → Salutations in Shopware 6 Backend). Only available if customer is logged in.

    Visitor → Gender


    Depending on where you are the values can be: Checkout, Catalogue, Account, Home, Content.

    Page → Content Groups


    Depending on where you are the values can be: Product Overview, Product Detail, Internal Search, Landing Page.

    Page → Content Groups


    Number of page in product lists and search results.

    Page →  Page Parameter


    Search term on search result page.

    Page → Internal Search Phrase


    Product price. Will be calculated based on the quantity during order or when multiple items are added to cart at once.

    Product → Product Costs


    The value you enter under 'Product number' when you create a product in Shopware 6.

    Product → Product Name or ID


    The title of a product.

    Product → Product Categories


    The amount of a product.

    Product → Product Quantity


    '1' if available stock is 0 or below, '' if available stock is at least 1.

    Product → Predefined → Product Sold Out


    All product categories as an array.

    Product → Product Categories


    The first product category.

    Product → Product Categories


    The second product category.

    Product → Product Categories


    Either 'view' (product detail), 'add' (when adding to basket) or 'conf' (during order).

    Product → Shopping Cart Status


    The currency ISO code.

    Product → Currency


    The ID of an order.

    Product → Order ID


    The total value of an order, incl. taxes.

    Product → Total Order value


    Value of coupons during order.

    Product → Predefined → Voucher Value

    Additional data

    Depending on your configuration there is a lot more data in the data layer. To see it, just open your Magento store in your browser and press F12 to open the developer tools.

    There, switch to the JavaScript console, type "_ti" and press enter.

    Add-to-cart event

    A special case is the add-to-cart event: since the data layer holds the add-to-cart data for a couple of milliseconds only, you cannot read it like described above.

    In order to see the add-to-cart data, you have to set the cookie 'mapp_debug'in your browser - having set that, the data of the add-to-cart event will be logged to the JS console.

    Here is a step-by-step guide to see an add-to-cart event:

    1. Open your Magento store

    2. Open the dev-tools by pressing F12

    3. Set the JS cookie 'mapp_debug' - you can use the code snippet below to set this cookie for 1000 days, just copy&paste into the JS console and press enter

    4. With the dev tools still open and the JS console tab selected, add an article to the basket - the data will be logged to the console

    (function() {
    	var d = new Date();
    	d.setTime(d.getTime() + (1000*24*60*60*1000));
    	var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString();
    	document.cookie = "mapp_debug=1;" + expires + ";path=/";

    Certain product data, like the attributes of a configurable product, is only available during the add-to-cart event and during the order, but not on the normal product view (since the options are not yet selected).

    For instance, _ti.productAttributesSize holds the data of the size of a product, for clothes that value would be 's', 'm', 'l', 'xl' etc. The attribute for color can be found under _ti.productAttributesColor.

    Depending on your configuration you will find all the configurable data in _ti, however, you won't find it during view, just during add-to-basket and order.

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