Configure an On-Site Custom Event
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    Configure an On-Site Custom Event

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    Article summary


    To highlight within a data collection the data of visitors whose web behavior matches a particular set of conditions.


    • Create a pixel.

    • Integrate the network and advertiser platforms you want to populate with this custom event.

    Background Information​

    A custom event captures the data of those visitors whose web behavior matches specific conditions. Within the data collection for a pixel, the custom event groups and highlights the data that it captured. This structure eases meaningful reviews of a data collection. You can build audiences from a custom event to combine the data that you captured from your website with second- and third-party data for penetrating reach and insight.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click .
      ⇒ The ​Data Collection Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click the ​Configure​ button of the desired pixel.
      ⇒ The ​Configure On-Site​ window opens.

    3. Click the ​+Add​ tab and select the ​Custom Event​ option.
      ⇒ A new tab appears with a canvas onto which you drag and drop the conditions to specify the query for this custom event.

    4. Drag the first condition that you require to build your query onto the canvas.
      ⇒ The selected condition opens on the canvas with drop-down lists and input fields you use to specify the details of the condition.

      To create an AND relationship between conditions, drag a condition onto the canvas. To create an OR relationship between conditions, drag a condition onto another condition already on the canvas. The AND/OR logic is displayed in the header for each condition.

    5. Repeat step 4 until all the conditions you require to define the custom event appear on the canvas.
      ⇒ The canvas displays the logic of the complete query.

    6. Enter a name for the custom event in the ​Custom Event Name​ input field.

    7. To populate external pixels with the visitors this custom event collected, select the ​Select External Custom Events​ check box.
      ⇒ The ​Platform​ drop-down list appears.

    8. Optionally, you can select a platform or the ​Custom​ option from the ​Platform​ drop-down list. Complete the drop-down lists and buttons that open as described.

      The options that appear in the ​Platform​ drop-down list reflect the network and advertiser platforms that are integrated with your software. The input fields and drop-down lists that appear reflect the platform that you selected.




      • ​Select External Pixels:​ To search for a pixel on the selected platform, enter a search string of at least two characters. The pixel that you select is enhanced with visitor data that is collected from this custom event.

      • Create:​ Click this button to create an external pixel on the selected platform. Complete the fields and drop-down lists as they appear.

      • Cancel:​ Click this button to cancel your entries and display the original fields and drop-down list.

      • Create New Custom Event Pixel:​ Enter two or more characters to search for the advertiser that handles the pixel.

      • Name input field: Enter the name of the external pixel you want to create and click the ​Create​ button.

      • Search:​ Enter a text string to search for the desired pixel on the specified platform.

      ​Google Display & Video 360​

      ​Select External Pixels:​ To search for a pixel on the selected platform, enter a search string of at least two characters. The pixel that you select is enhanced with the visitor data collections from this custom event.


      To specify a customer platform that was not integrated.

      • URL:​ Specify the URL for the custom platform where your target pixel resides.

      • Select the format of your target pixel.

        • Image

        • Script

        • iframe

      • JavaScript without <script> tag:​ Enter the JavaScript you want to insert into the pixel.

    9. To save your entries, click ​Save​. Click ​Save and Export​ to save your entries and move to the ​Export​ window. To cancel your work, click the ​Cancel​ button.

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