Contact and Guest Roles
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    Contact and Guest Roles

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    Article summary

    Contacts and guests are assigned user accounts in Engage. The difference between a user who can sign into and work with Engage and a contact or guest lies in the permissions enabled for the role to which the user account is assigned.

    Engage uses dedicated system roles for contacts and guests that prevent direct access to the system. The following roles are available:




    This is the default role assigned to any user added to the system. The default permissions for this role let a contact manage their user account. This role does not have permission to log into the user interface and access other parts of the system.


    This role is assigned to an address that is added to the system with the forward function. When a recipient forwards a message using an embedded forward link in the email, they enter the email addresses to whom the message is forwarded in a Engage landing page. This role does not have permission to log into the user interface and access other parts of the system.

    Permission Assignment​

    The available permissions are limited to features that contacts use to manage their own accounts and user profiles. Permissions that allow access to other parts of the system are disabled for contact and guest roles.

    For more information, see Global Permissions​.

    Related Procedures​

    Change Global Permissions​

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