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Contact (C) vs. System (S) Automations
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Every event-based automation has two parts: an event and a job. Every time the event occurs, the system executes the job.
Not every event and job can be combined. There are two different types of events and jobs.
(C) stands for contact-related. Always combine a (C) event with a (C) job.
(S) stands for for system-related. Always combine an (S) event with an (S) job.
Some events and jobs are marked (S/C). These can be more flexibly combined with (S) or (C).
System-related Automations
(S) + (S) automations react to a system event. The resulting job is a system task.
(S) Events | (S) Jobs |
Mbox File Processing Finished (S) | Execute Profile-Based Automations (S) Export Message Statistics (S) Generate XML Group Report (S) Generate XML Message Report (S) |
Example (S) + (S) automations:
Group Sendout Finished (S) + Export Data to Server (S): This automation exports data to a server whenever sendout in a group is finished. The export includes open and click data as well as address-related data, depending on the export type.
Contact Import Finished (S) + Send Prepared Message to Group (S): This automation sends a prepared message to all group members when the import is finished. The prepared message is sent to both existing members and newly imported members.
To send the prepared message only to new group members, create a selection with the Basis for Condition Group. In the Rule area, enter Member Creation Date, Selection run date, exactly before, 0 days. Add this selection to the event-based job, not to the event.Group Sendout Finished (S) + Export Message Statistics (S): This automation automatically exports message statistics after every group message sendout in a certain group. In this case a delay is necessary to allow time for the recipients to respond to the message. Example: message statistics are exported one week after sendout.
Contact-related Automations
Most (C) + (C) automations react to a specific action performed by a contact. The job affects that same contact.
The event can also be a system action that affects individual recipients, such as a single message sendout.
For most (C) + (C) automations you must check the Use Event Parameter checkbox in the field Contact when defining the job. This checkbox tells the system that the job affects the same contact who performed the event.
Example (C) automations:
Message Link Clicked (C) + Increase or Decrease Profile Value (C): This automation increases or decreases a profile attribute value each time a contact clicks on a message link.
Subscribed to Group (C) + Send Prepared Message to Contact (C): This automation sends a prepared message to each new subscriber. The prepared message is sent after the opt-in process is complete. The prepared message does not replace the opt-in messages.
Response Received (C) + Add to Robinson List (C): This automation adds contacts to the Robinson List when the system receives a response after sendout. A response is a notification that Engage receives regarding a message sendout. This combination adds the contacts to the Robinson List regardless of the type of response
(S) + (C) Combinations
There are very few exceptions when it is possible to use an (S) + (C) combination to achieve a special use case. These include:
Group Created (S) + Change Member Read Mode (C): This automation changes the read mode of the group creator after the group is created. The member read mode of other group members is not changed. This automation is useful if you create new groups with the API method groupClone. After the API user creates the group, the automation immediately changes the read mode. This ensures that the system does not send messages to the API user.
Address Import Finished (S) + Execute Profile-based Automations (C): This automation executes all profile-based automations in the system with the current status Applied as soon as an address import is finished. This ensures that all existing profile-based automations are applied to newly imported addresses, as well.
Group Sendout Finished (S) + Send Prepared Message to Address (S/C): This automation sends a prepared message to a specified address once group sendout is finished. This automation can be used to inform a manager or the group owner that sendout is complete.