Contact Profile
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    Contact Profile

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience​ > Administration​.
      ⇒ The ​Contact Management​ window opens to the ​Group​ tab.

    2. Click ​All Contacts​.

      ⇒ An overview of all the contacts in your system opens.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click the symbol.
      ⇒ The ​Contact Profile​ window opens to the ​Summary ​tab.


    This window shows all the information that is stored in the system for the selected contact. Here you can view and update the profile data of the contact.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Manually check and edit the profile information of a contact.

    • Manually check and update attribute information of a contact.

    • Manually check and edit how a contact is identified in the system.

    • Check which profile attributes are channel-specific, generic, or available for all channels.

    • View the activity history of a contact for the past 30 days.

    • Filter activity history by time frame, activity type.


    These action buttons appear on the top right side of the Contact Profile window.




    Exports the information of the contact. For more information see Export Contact


    Encrypts the information on the contact with a SHA3-256 hashing algorithm. This hashes the address, profile data, and message history for this contact in the entire system. This action cannot be reversed. For more information see Anonymize a Contact


    Saves changes that you enter in the ​Contact Information​ panel or ​Attributes​ area and closes the window.


    Discards your changes and closes the window.

    Change Display Options

    These options appear at the bottom of the page and allow you to adjust the view of the tab.

    ​Attributes per Page​

    Changes the number of attributes that are displayed per page.


    Shows the page number.

    ​Number of Attributes​

    Shows the numbers of the attributes that are displayed currently. The system numbers the attributes sequentially.

    Navigates to the previous page of records.

    Navigates to the next page of records.

    Summary tab

    This is the unified customer profile, showing all key data at a glance.

    Information card


    Contact Details

    Shows an overview of your contact's basic information. For more detail see the Attributes section below.

    View More: takes you to the Channel Addresses tab.


    Shows contact status based on their loyalty and value.

    • Not a Buyer: all contacts that have no transaction

    • First Time Buyer: all contacts that have one transaction and are not in status churning or churned

    • Second Time Buyer: all contacts that have two transactions and are not in status churning or churned

    • Repeat Purchaser: all contacts that have three or more transaction and are not in status churning or churned. Loyalty and value status are counted in this calculation.

    • Churning: If the time from the last transaction is greater than churning threshold, the contact moves to status "Churning". The status changes when the contact performs a transaction again. To define the threshold for this status, see Define Parameters for Value and Loyalty Status.

    • Churned: If the time from the last transaction is greater than churned threshold, the contact moves to status "Churned". The status changes when the contact performs a transaction again. To define the threshold for this status, see Define Parameters for Value and Loyalty Status.

    Total Revenue

    Sum of all order values. If the currency is not set, the calculation will use the system default currency.

    Number of Orders

    The count of unique orders (orderId) with at least one product.

    Average Order Value

    Total Revenue divided by the Number of Orders for one contact. This value is rounded to two digits after comma.


    Engagement is calculated based on data from the last 12 months.

    • No Activity: all contacts that haven't opened or clicked any messages in the last 12 months.

    • Status calculation is relative to other contacts in your Engage system:

      • Low Engagement : 0% - 30% of your contacts

      • Medium Engagement : 30% - 60% of your contacts

      • High Engagement: 60% - 90% of your contacts

      • Very High Engagement: top 10% of your contacts

    Most Active

    The day of the week when the contact opens and clicks the highest number of messages.

    This calculation is based on the aggregated number of events (opens and clicks) that occurred in response to communication from Mapp Engage. Each open and click is counted separately, no matter if they are related to the same message or not. Opens have a weight of 1, and clicks, a weight of 2.

    Average Discount Rate

    Sum of  the discount percentage (discountPercentage) and  order discount (discountValue) divided by the number of orders that have at least one discount (percentage or value).

    This value is rounded to two digits after comma.

    Transaction Frequency

    Number of Orders (with at least one product) divided by (the number of full years + 1) from the first transaction with the precision to one decimal. Returns are subtracted from the number of orders.

    Engagement by Channel

    Count of all year-to-date responses from the contact, aggregated by channel (Email, SMS, InApp). 








    The maximum value for one message is 2, regardless of the number of clicks and opens.

    open after click


    click without open





    For SMS, the only value that can be tracked is the sent SMS messages.




    Clicks are counted for all buttons except the "Close" button.



    Engagement by Device

    Device details are retrieved from each event. Detailed information is stored for top five most used devices.

    The device information is stored in the following format: DeviceType_HardwareModel_NumberOfEvents. For example:

    • Mobile_XiaomiMIA1_68

    • Laptop_DellLattitude_45


    • The total number of email messages received in the last 12 months

    • The total number of SMS messages received in the last 12 months

    • The total number of InApp messages received in the last 12 months


    The total number of email messages opened in the last 12 months


    • The total number of email messages clicked in the last 12 months

    • The total number of InApp messages clicked in the last 12 months

    Journey & Transactions

    Shows recent activity related to the contact profile. You can filter by Profile, Email, SMS, Transactions and Related Data.

    Attributes tab

    Contact card

    This card displays the information that identifies the contact within the system. To be stored in the system, each contact must have a contact ID and at least one identifier. Identifier data is specific to a single contact.

    Mapp Engage uses information from different channels as unique identifiers. In email messaging, the identifier is connected to legal requirements for subscription and unsubscription.

    During import, the system checks new contact data against the profile data that is already stored in the system. This check guarantees that the correct profile is updated.

    You can manually update information on the contact card in the ​Contact Information​ panel. To open the panel, click anywhere within the contact card. The ​Contact Information​ panel opens on the right side of the window. Here you can add and update the information that the system stores in the profile of the contact.

    If your system is specially configured to allow multiple contacts with the same email address, then many standard functions are not available. In that case, the legal status of the subscription processes cannot be guaranteed. For more information, contact your customer success or account manager.

    Information Card



    Contact image |


    Shows the status of the contact within the system. A green icon indicates active status. A gray icon indicates that the contact is deactivated in the system.

    Active contacts usually receive messages. However, active contacts can be excluded from sendouts for various reasons. For example, the contact is on a Robinson list or blacklist, a selection excludes them, or their message limitation is reached.

    Deactivated contacts usually do not receive messages. However, if you specify in the group settings that system-wide deactivated contacts continue to receive messages, you bypass the deactivation.

    ​Contact ID​

    Shows the contact ID that the system assigns automatically when a new contact is added to the system. The contact ID cannot be changed or edited.

    ​Optional Identifier​

    Shows an optional identifier that is assigned to the contact. For example, an identifier that is used to synchronize contact profiles in the system with an external application.

    This identifier must be unique if you use it for contact import or subscription processes. It must not be unique if you use it as additional information for automation or personalization.


    Shows the email address that is used as an identifier.

    ​Mobile Number​

    Shows the mobile phone number that is used as an identifier.

    The format is + country code. For example, +49 123 4556.

    ​Mobile App Alias​

    Shows the mobile app alias that is used as an identifier.

    The identifier is entered as a string.

    The mobile app alias identifies the contact who installed your app.

    DMP Cookie ID

    Attributes search and filter​ panel

    In this panel, you can search for attributes by the attribute name or type, filter and sort.



     | Enter Attribute​

    Searches for attributes that match the entered value.

    ​​| Filter

    Limits the attributes that the system displays to the selected attribute type. To select or deselect an attribute type, click the checkbox. Selected items are indicated with the  symbol.

    The following attribute types are available:

    • Standard:​ Shows the default attributes of every system. You cannot delete or rename these attributes.

    • Custom:​ Shows attributes that are created for your system. These attributes reflect your specific information structure.

    • Member:​ Shows attributes that are available in the context of a group. The same attribute can contain different information in different groups. This option displays only if the group has member attributes.

    | Sort

    Orders the attributes alphabetically from A–Z or Z–A.

    Attributes​ list

    This area displays all attributes that match your filter criteria and identifies the attribute type. To edit the content, click the attribute card.

    Standard attributes are available on every system. All other attributes vary based on the configuration of your system.

     Standard Attributes

    Standard Attribute


    ​Last Name​

    Defines the last name of the contact. The maximum length is 50 characters.

    ​First Name​

    Defines the first name of the contact. The maximum length is 50 characters.

    ​Preferred Name​

    Defines the preferred name of the contact. The maximum length is 50 characters.

    ​Postal Code​

    Defines the postal code of the contact. The maximum length is 10 characters.


    Defines the country of the contact. This setting influences which language the system uses for system messages to the contact.


    Defines the preferred language of the contact. This setting influences which language the system uses for system messages to the contact.

    ​Time Zone​

    Defines the time zone of the contact.


    Defines the gender of the contact. The system saves your selection as a number. Some code sections require a numerical value to reuse the information.

    • ​Mr.:​ The attribute value is stored as the number 1.

    • ​Mrs.:​ The attribute value is stored as the number 2.

    • ​Unset:​ The attribute value is stored as -1.

    ​Date of Birth​

    Defines the date of birth of the contact. Enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Click the  symbol to select the date on a calendar.

    ​Source ID​

    Shows the ID of the source of the contact. This attribute lets you track contacts generated by an internal or external source. This ID is added to the contact profile during a data import. You cannot edit the source ID manually.


    Enters the updated attribute information and collapses the attribute card. To save your changes, you must click ​Save​ in the header of the ​Contact Profile​ window.


    Discards your changes and collapses the attribute card.


    Adds attributes that are available for the selected channel to the attributes that are shown in the attribute card.

    You can assign attributes to different channels. For example, if you want to filter for an attribute that contains the last activation of an App in a certain channel. The channel is the App that the user installed.

    It is also possible to create attributes that are available to all channels. These generic attributes contain the same value no matter in what channel they are used. For example, the gender attribute stays the same, independent from channel context.

    To select or deselect a channel, click the checkbox. Selected items are indicated with the  symbol.

    Channels filter



    Shows attributes that are available in all current and future channels. This option includes standard attributes and custom or member attributes that are available for all channels.


    Shows attributes that are assigned to a channel, regardless of which channel.


    Shows attributes that are assigned to a specific channel currently. Every system has at least one specific channel. The system lists each channel that is available on your system by name. There is no limit to how many specific channels your system can contain.

    Member Attributes​

    This card adds the member attributes that are available for the selected group to the attributes shown in the attribute card.

    A member attribute saves information for a contact in the context of a group. Member attributes let you save different information for the same contact in different groups. If you delete a group, the member attributes and the values that are stored for the group are deleted permanently. The information is not stored anywhere else in the system.

    Create member attributes with an import of an XML or CSV file. If the referenced member attributes are not created, member attributes can be created when the message is composed.

    You can access the profile of a contact form the ​Group Members​ window of a group or the ​All Contacts​ overview.

    • When you access a profile from the Group Members window, the system adds the member attributes of the group automatically.

      When you access a profile from the ​All Contacts​ overview, you enter group names manually in the ​Member Attributes​ card.

    Member attributes are only shown if the group has member attributes.




    Enter the name of the desired group. The system adds all available member attributes of the selected group to the ​Attribute​ card.

    Channel Addresses tab

    Activity tab

    This tab shows all the activities that are stored in the system for the selected contact. These activities appear in chronological order, with the most recent activities at the top. In this window, you can filter the data by activity and time period.

    Filter Options​

    Here you can filter the activity feed to limit the results to specific events or a specific time frame.




    • ​All Activities​: Select all activities that are associated with the contact.

    • ​Sendout​: View message sendouts.

    • ​Message Read​: View when the contact read message.

    • ​Link Click​: View when the contact clicked a link.

    • ​Sendout Skip​: View when the sendout was skipped for this contact.

    • ​Bounce​:View any bounces.

    • ​Feedback​:

    • ​Unsubscription​: View when the contact unsubcribed.

    • ​Message Forward​: View if a contact forwarded a message.

    • ​Subscription​: View when a contact subscribed.

    • ​Conversion​: View the conversion from your campaign.

    • ​Profile Changed​: View when the contact edited the profile.

    • ​Related Data Entry Created​: View when the Related Data entry was created.

    • ​Related Data Entry Deleted​: View when the Related Data entry was deleted.

    • ​Related Data Entry Updated​: View when the Related Data entry was updated.

    ​Start date​

    To filter by time period, enter a start date in a numerical format by year-month-day. Alternatively, click the calendar symbol to select a start date.

    ​End date​

    To filter by time period, enter an end date in a numerical format by year-month-day. Alternatively, click the calendar symbol to select an end date.

    Further Information

    ​Contact Management​
    ​Change Contact Address (window)​
    ​Profile Attributes​
    ​Create Member Attributes​
    ​Introduction to Related Data Sets​
    ​Edit Contact Profile​
    ​Export Contact​
    ​Anonymize a Contact​
    ​Contacts in Source Statistics​

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