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Voucher Manager
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Voucher Manager
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Voucher Manager
The Voucher Manager administers coupons and barcodes sent to contacts in messages. The coupons are created in an external system and imported into Mapp Engage. Once imported, Mapp Engage manages the coupons in a coupon list. Coupons in a coupon ...
Voucher Manager Permissions
Permission for creating and managing coupon lists The permission to create new coupon lists also includes the permission to upload coupons to the list. To create coupon lists and display coupon lists in the overview, the following permissions are...
Coupon Lists Overview (window)
Navigation Path In the Main Navigation , click Content > Voucher Manager > Coupon . ⇒ The Coupon Lists window opens to the Coupon Manager tab. Coupon Lists Overview (window) Coupon lists in Engage are managed in the C...
Import Coupons (window)
Navigation Path In the Main Navigation , click Content > Voucher Manager > Coupon . ⇒ The Coupon Lists window opens to the Coupon Manager tab. In the Actions column, click > Import . ⇒ The I...
Create New Coupon List (window)
Navigation Path In the Main Navigation , click Content > Voucher Manager > Coupon . ⇒ The Coupon Lists window opens to the Coupon Manager tab. Click Create . ⇒ The Coupon List window opens. Create New Coupon List (wind...
Create a New Coupon List
Goal To create a coupon list. Prerequisite The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the Coupon Manager, contact your Account Manager. Background Information In Mapp Engage, coupons are mana...
Import Coupons Into a Coupon List
Goal To import coupons into an existing coupon list. Prerequisites The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the Coupon Manager, contact your customer service representative. The coupons h...
Add Coupons to a Message
Goal To add coupons to a message. In the Compose Message window, coupons are added to a message with a Mapp Engage Variable. In the CMS, coupons are either added to a message with a placeholder (see Add Coupons to a CMS message) or the C...
Send Coupon as a Barcode
Goal To send coupons from a coupon list as barcodes with the Barcode Generator. It is very important to test the barcode that Engage generates on the destination scanning device before message sendout. The selected barcode type must support the ...
Generate a Coupon Export
Goal To generate an export of coupon information. Prerequisites The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the Coupon Manager, contact your customer service representative. The coupon expor...
Forward a Coupon Message
Goal To forward a coupon message to one or more email addresses. Background Information Engage cannot track forwards that are made with the forward button in a recipient's email client. Engage only manages forwards that are created within the E...
Change the Owner of a Coupon List
Goal To change the owner of a coupon list. Prerequisite The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the coupon manager, contact your customer service representative. Background Information It ...
Edit a Coupon List
Goal To edit coupon list information. You cannot change the name of a coupon list. The name is a unique identifier in the system and is used to add the coupons to a message (see Add Coupons to a Message ). Prerequisite The Coupon Manager i...
Copy a Coupon List
Goal To copy the settings of a coupon list. The coupons from the original coupon list are not copied. The owner of the new coupon list is automatically the user who creates the copy. Prerequisite The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that mu...
Send a Reminder When Coupons Run Low
Goal To configure the settings for a coupon list so that a reminder message is sent when a predefined number of coupons is reached. Prerequisite The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the co...
Delete a Coupon List
Goal To delete an archived coupon list. Prerequisites The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the coupon manager, contact your customer service representative. The coupon list to delete ...
Archive a Coupon List
Goal To archive an active coupon list. Background Information In Engage, coupons are managed in coupon lists. To ensure well-organized coupon management, each coupon list should only contain one type of coupon (for example, free shipping or 25%...
Reactivate a Coupon List
Goal To reactivate an archived coupon list. Background Information Only active coupon lists can be added to messages. Archived coupon lists must be reactivated before they are used for message sendout (see Archive a Coupon List ). Prerequisi...
Resume Sendout of a Coupon Message
Goal To resume sendout of a message that is paused due to an insufficient number of coupons after additional coupons are imported. Prerequisites The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the ...
Show Message Parts Using Available Coupons
Goal To display different parts of the message, based on coupon availability. Prerequisites The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the coupon manager, contact your customer service represent...
Barcode Generator
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Barcode Servlets
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