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Contents of Raw Data Tables
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Overview of Data Tables in Mapp Intelligence
This guide provides details on available data tables and their relationships in Mapp Intelligence.
Key Notes:
Primary keys are highlighted in bold.
Foreign keys are underlined, linking to related tables.
Data types and field sizes are specified in the Data Type column. For example, Number (20,0) indicates a numeric field with up to 20 digits and no decimals.
Unused decimal places are always filled with 0 (for example, 123456789,987000).Fields with the data type ‘Timestamp’ always use the format: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000000’.
Predefined Raw Data Tables
Predefined Raw Data Tables show data that is related to the default setup of Mapp Intelligence.
getFullVisitors – Data in the Context of Visits
The "getFullVisitors" table contains all data recorded in the context of visits. These include technical parameters, such as the name of the device used, as well as geography data, such as the country from which the visit originated or the time zone in which the visit took place.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID (unique identifier for a visit) |
EID | Number (20,0) | Ever ID (visitor ID using Mapp cookie) |
VISIT_TIME | Timestamp | Start time of the visit |
NEW_VISITOR | Number (1,0) | Is this a new visitor? 1 = yes 0 = no 2 = unknown |
OS | Text (100) | Operating system (e.g., Android 4.4) |
BROWSER | Text (100) | Browser (e.g., Firefox 42) |
JAVASCRIPT | Number (1,0) | Has the visitor activated JavaScript? 1 = yes 0 = no |
RESOLUTION | Text (255) | Screen resolution (e.g., 1920x1080) |
COLORDEPTH | Text (255) | Screen color depth (e.g., 24-bit) |
COOKIE | Number (1,0) | Indicates whether cookies are activated on the user's device/browser. 1 = yes 0 = no |
INNER_RESOLUTION | Text (10) | The resolution used internally (in the browser). This may differ from the screen resolution due to operating system settings or scaling of the browser window. |
JAVA | Number (1,0) | Indicates whether the Java runtime environment and the corresponding browser plugin are installed and active. 1 = yes 0 = no |
BROWSER_LANG | Text (50) | The language used in the browser. |
CITY | Text (255) | The city where the visitor is located during the visit. |
REGION | Text (255) | The region where the visitor is located during the visit. |
COUNTRY | Text (255) | The country where the visitor is located during the visit. |
ISP | Text (255) | The visitor's Internet service provider. |
ORGANISATION | Text (255) | The organization from which the visit took place. |
NETSPEED | Number (1,0) | The speed category of the visitor's Internet connection. 1 = unknown 2 = Modem/ISDN 3 = Cable/DSL 4 = Corporate 5 = Mobile 6 = Satellite 7 = Wireless |
TIMEZONE | Number (18,0) | The visitor's time zone. |
MOBILE_CLIENT | Text (255) | The name of the visitor's device. The device name can only be determined for smartphones and tablets. If a PC or laptop is used, this field contains the character string "Miscellaneous PC/Laptop." |
VISIT_TIME_END | Timestamp | The end time of the visit. |
GLOBAL_END_DEVICE_VISITOR_ID | Text (255) | Device-specific, global cookie ID of the mobile device. This column is optional and will only be exported if the corresponding feature is enabled for your Mapp account. |
URM_VISITOR_ID | Number (20,0) | Unique visitor ID. This ID is account-specific and cross-device and is used for user-centered tracking. This column is optional and will only be exported if the corresponding feature is enabled for your Mapp account. |
BROWSER_NAME | Text (255) | Browser Name |
BROWSER_VENDOR | Text (255) | Browser Vendor |
BROWSER_VERSION | Text (255) | Browser Version |
BROWSER_MAJOR_VERSION | Number (18,0) | Browser Version (major) |
BROWSER_MINOR_VERSION | Number (18,0) | Browser Version (minor) |
OS_NAME | Text (255) | Operating System Name |
OS_VENDOR | Text (255) | Operating System Vendor |
OS_VERSION | Text (255) | Operating System Version |
OS_MAJOR_VERSION | Number (18,0) | Operating System Version (major) |
OS_MINOR_VERSION | Number (18,0) | Operating System Version (minor) |
DEVICE | Text (255) | Device |
DEVICE_NAME | Text (255) | Device Name |
DEVICE_VENDOR | Text (255) | Device Vendor |
DEVICE_FAMILY | Text (255) | Device Family |
DEVICE_MODEL | Text (255) | Device Model |
DEVICE_CLASS | Number (18,0) | Device Class 0 = PC / Laptop |
getContents – Pages
This table contains the data for all page calls. For instance, this table lets you follow the sequence and duration of visits by visitors to your website.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Unique ID for the page call |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID linked to the visit |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the page call. |
CONTENT | Text (255) | Name of the page that was called. |
PAGE_DURATION | Number (18,0) | The time spent on the page in seconds. |
PAGE_ORDER | Number (18,0) | This is used to classify the page impressions in the order of all page impressions related to the visit. |
getFullReferrer – Referrers
This table contains referrer information for access to your website.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Unique ID for referrer access |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of access. |
REFERRER | Text (255) | Name of the referrer. |
URL | Text (255) | Referrer URL. |
SEARCH_ENGINE | Number (1,0) | Is the referrer a search engine? 0 = Other Referrer 1 = Search Engine 2 = Social Media |
getFullSearchPhrase/ getFullSearchPhraseIntern – Search Phrases
These two tables, respectively, contain external and internal search phrases.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a search phrase entry. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the search. |
SEARCH_PHRASE | Text (100) | The entered search phrase (if the search phrase is not transmitted in an external search, for example, if the search page is using https, "not provided" is displayed). |
getFullClicks – Clicks (Events)
This table contains all events that have been tracked.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CLICK_REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Unique ID for the event |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | The ID of the corresponding page call. 0 = the initial click of a session |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the click. |
CLICK | Text (255) | Name of the event. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a page call. |
getFullCampaigns – Campaigns
This table contains all clicks on ad media.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a campaign click. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
CAMPAIGN | Text (255) | Media code of the ad media. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the click. |
KEYWORD | Text (255) | SEM keyword if available. |
getFullBasket – Products
This table contains product-related information. The composite primary key is used to identify a product in a specific position in a shopping cart.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a shopping basket state via action or page request. |
BAS_POS | Number (18,0) | The position of the product in the shopping basket. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
PRODUCT | Text (255) | Name of the product. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the click that changed the product status. |
QUANTITY | Number (18,0) | The number of product units in the shopping basket. |
PRICE | Number (12,2) | Price of the product. |
STATE | Number (1,0) | Product status 0 = Product added to the shopping cart 1 = Product purchased 2 = Product viewed 3 = Product list position 4 = Product removed from cart 5 = Product in checkout 6 = Product added to wishlist 7 = Product removed from wishlist |
LIST_POS | Number (18,0) | The position of the product in the product list. |
getFullOrders – Orders
This table contains all orders.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of an order. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
ORDER_ID | Text (255) | ID for the order. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the order. |
TOTAL_PRICE | Number (12,2) | Total order value. |
getFullForms – Forms
This table contains all form tracking data.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
FORM_REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a form request. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a page call. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
FORM | Text (255) | Name of the form. |
SUBMITTED | Number (1,0) | Did the contents of the form get sent? 0 = no 1 = yes |
getFormFields – Form Fields
This table contains detailed information on individual form fields of form tracking. Since a field of the original, composite primary key of the original table is not exported, the FORM_REQUEST_ID here only functions as a foreign key for the table "getFullForms." Thus, all fields of the table together form a good primary key.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
FORM_REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a form field. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a page call. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
FORM_FIELD | Text (255) | Name of the form. |
FORM | Text (255) | Type of the form. |
FIELD_VALUE | Text (255) | Value of the form field. |
CANCELED | Number (1,0) | Was the form canceled? 0 = no 1 = yes |
getFullMedia – Media
This table contains information about media requests.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
MEDIA_REQUEST | Number (20,0) | ID for unique identification of a media request. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a page call. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
MEDIA | Text (255) | Designation of the medium. |
DURATION | Number (18,0) | The actual playing time with reverse coils etc. in seconds. (Can, therefore, be longer than the total length of the medium you have transmitted). This corresponds to the metric Play Duration. |
MAX_DURATION | Number (18,0) | The maximum media playback time in seconds, without backward movements. This corresponds to the metric Run Time. |
BANDWITH | Number (18,0) | The media bandwidth (in kbit/s). |
VOLUME | Number (3,0) | The volume during media consumption (in %, from 0 to 100). |
MUTE | Number (1,0) | Was the medium muted? 0 = no 1 = yes |
MEDIA_TIME | Number (18,0) | This corresponds to the metric Media Run Time. |
getFullMediaAction – Media Actions
This table contains information on individual actions performed on media. Here, the MEDIA_ACTION_REQUEST_ID denotes the ID of the media call as a whole. However, this ID is not unique since the same ID is used for all further actions on a medium assigned to a media call.
Form Field | Data Type | Description |
MEDIA_ACTION_REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for identification of a media action. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a page call. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
MEDIA_ACTION | Text (255) | Designation of the media action. |
_A_START_ | Number (5,0) | The media position where the action was started. |
_A_STOP_ | Number (5,0) | The media position where the action was stopped. |
MEDIA | Text (255) | Designation of the medium. |
MEDIA_TIME | Number (18,0) | Media time. |
getFullCustomer – Customer Identification
This table contains information on the customer ID, internal Ever ID, and the customer's sessions.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
EID | Number (20,0) | The Ever ID is the internal Mapp ID for each visitor. This ID is unique. |
CUSTOMER_ID | Text (255) | Customer ID transferred by you to Mapp. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Timestamp for the start of the session. |
getFullCustomerJourney – Customer Journey
This table contains click actions that are relevant to customer journeys. These are supplemented with additional information relevant to the customer journey. For example, the value and time of the corresponding conversion.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | ID for the identification of a customer journey event (such as a click) that led to conversion and therefore ended the customer micro-journey |
CJ_ORDER | Number (18,0) | The position of the event in the customer journey |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to the visit during which the target was reached, or the conversion took place. |
CAMPAIGN | Text (255) | The ad media belonging to the event (media code) |
KEYWORD | Text (255) | The advertisement name of the ad media |
SEARCH_PHRASE | Text (100) | The campaign search phrase |
CUST_PARA_STRING_[1..3] | Text (255) | The values of the custom parameters that belong to the ad media. The number of these columns (from 1 to 3) and their meaning depend on your account configuration. |
CJ_TIME | Timestamp | The position of the event in the customer journey |
TIME | Timestamp | Time of the conversion in the corresponding customer journey. |
CONVERSION_VALUE | Number (12,2) | Value of the conversion belonging to the customer journey. |
Raw Data Tables for Custom Parameters
Custom Parameters allow for tracking additional information and are individually configured in your account. Several parameter types are available, each represented in a different table. The structure of each table is similar.
Key Points:
Columns with the same name may have different meanings depending on the table context.
Tables are organized by parameter type, and parameters are ordered by Parameter-ID (cust_pixel_id), represented as _Y.
getFullCustParaSession – Session Parameter
This table contains custom parameters at the visit level.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
SID | Number (20,0) | The session ID for which one or more additional customer values are transferred is used to assign the session to the corresponding visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | The time within the session at which the custom parameter is transmitted. |
ITEM_ID | Number (20,0) | An ascending number starting with "1" to distinguish multi-value parameter values. This field is never empty or less than "1." |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter is represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
getFullCustParaTimes – Time-related Parameter
This table contains time-related custom parameters.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Unique ID for the timestamp entry, which is not used for further assignments. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
ITEM_ID | Number (20,0) | An ascending number starting with "1" to distinguish multi-value parameter values. This field is never empty or less than "1." |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter is represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
getFullCustParaPage – Page Parameter
This table contains custom parameters at the page level.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a data set of page parameters to the page request with which the parameter values were measured. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID used for assignment to a visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
ITEM_ID | Number (20,0) | An ascending number starting with "1" to distinguish multi-value parameter values. This field is never empty or less than "1." |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter is represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
getFullCustParaProduct – E-Commerce Parameter
This table contains custom parameters at the product level.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to uniquely map a data set of product parameters to the product call or page contained in "getFullBasket" with which this data set was measured. The combination of REQUEST_ID and BAS_POS can be linked to the same "getFullBasket" columns. |
BAS_POS | Number (18,0) | Position in the shopping basket. |
SID | Number (20,0) | Session ID of the product call, used for assignment to the corresponding visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter is represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
getFullCustParaClick – Event Parameter
This table contains custom parameters at the event level.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to assign a data set of click parameters to the click request with which the parameter characteristics were measured. |
SID | Number (20,0) | The session ID of the click request is used to assign the session to the corresponding visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
ITEM_ID | Number (20,0) | An ascending number starting with "1" to distinguish multi-value parameter values. This field is never empty or less than "1." |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter is represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
getFullCustParaCampaign – Campaign Parameter
This table contains custom parameters for ad media.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
REQUEST_ID | Number (20,0) | Used to uniquely assign a data record of campaign parameters to the campaign click with which the parameter values were measured. |
SID | Number (20,0) | The session ID of the campaign call is used to assign the corresponding visit. |
TIMES | Timestamp | Time of the request. |
ITEM_ID | Number (20,0) | An ascending number starting with "1" to distinguish multi-value parameter values. This field is never empty or less than "1." |
CUST_PARA_STRING_Y | Text (255) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the string data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_NUMBER_Y | Number (12,2) | The value of the corresponding custom parameter with the numeric data type (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |
CUST_PARA_GENERIC_Y | Text (510) | The value of the corresponding generic custom parameter, represented as a string (optional, depending on the custom parameter configuration). |