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    Article summary

    Conversion Tracking in Engage allows for tracking recipient activities on an online shop system. Two types of tracking are available: cookieless and cookie-based. Cookie-based tracking offers more information and can track interrupted sessions. Secure conversion tracking is essential for maintaining customer trust. The process involves adding a tracking pixel to the order confirmation page. The tracking features in Engage are located in the Statistics and Administration areas for viewing results and creating tracking pixels. Activation of conversion tracking can be done during message creation or within a group. For tracking without cookies, both MID and UID must be attached to links.

    How Conversion Tracking Works​

    With Conversion Tracking, you configure your Engage system so that information about the recipient (recipient ID and message ID) is transmitted to the online shop system. This makes it possible to ascribe certain activities on the website to specific customers and messages. When a recipient behaves as expected and performs a pre-defined activity (e.g., purchases a product), the website notifies Engage. The activity is assigned to the triggering message and displayed in the conversion statistics of the individual email.

    There are two types of Conversion Tracking:

    1. Conversion tracking without Cookies: Some email recipients don't allow cookies in their browsers, which makes it impossible to use cookies for conversion tracking. For these recipients, you can use cookieless tracking as described below. However, please note that you cannot gather as much information this way. It is not possible to trace interrupted shopping sessions using this method.
      See ​Cookieless Conversion Tracking for more information.

    2. Cookies-based Conversion Tracking: The advantage of using cookie-based conversion tracking is that the online shop system does not need to hold or store the recipient information in any way because it is available on the customer's PC. This means that tracking can continue even if the shopping session is interrupted. 
      See ​Cookies-Based Conversion Tracking for more information.

    Secure Conversion Tracking

    Online shop pages are normally encrypted (i.e., HTTPS rather than HTTP). To complete the conversion tracking process, a tracking pixel must be added to the order confirmation page on the online shop. If this tracking pixel is not encrypted (i.e., downloaded from an HTTP page, not an HTTPS page), the customer may receive a security warning such as "secure page contains non-secure elements." Warnings like this can cause the shopper to lose confidence in the website's security.

    This warning can be avoided if the secure HTTPS version of the tracking pixel is used on the confirmation page. The Conversion Tracking Pixel must be hosted on a distinct secure domain. The general secure HTTP access '>' cannot be used since it is a different domain than the shop site's domain.

    HTTPS pages require registration of a certificate. Please contact your customer service representative to undertake the necessary registration.

    Where are the Conversion Tracking features in Engage located​

    • Statistics: Conversion Tracking results for each message are displayed individually in the ​Conversion Tracking Overview​ window in the ​Statistics​ area (see ​Conversion Tracking Overview (window)​).

    • Creating Tracking Pixels: The tracking pixels to insert on landing pages (i.e., the shop or web pages) are created in the ​Create/Edit Conversion Tracking​ window in the ​Administration​ area (see ​Create or Edit Conversion Tracking (window)​).

    • Activation of the conversion tracking: Conversion Tracking is activated by adding an appropriate placeholder to the message. This can be done in different ways, depending on the objective:

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