Create a Pixel
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    Create a Pixel

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    Article summary


    To create a pixel that collects data on visitors who browse your websites or interact with your creatives, placements, emails, and other internet elements. Export the pixel to generate JavaScript (or a URL for click trackers) and insert it into the website pages or creatives to start collecting data.


    Integrate the external platforms to which you want to export your pixel.

    Background Information​

    A pixel stores visitor data as a single data collection. You can structure the information by specific visitor behaviors when you create custom events and custom success events in the ​Configure On-Site​ window. This structure by custom event and custom success event helps you, for example, distinguish visitors from customers.


    1. In the ​main navigation​, click .
      The ​Data Collection Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click the ​Create​ button.
      ⇒ The ​Create Pixel​ window opens.

    3. Enter a name for the pixel in the ​Pixel Name​ input field. A helpful name reflects the purpose or client for whom the data is collected.

    4. Select from the ​Labels​ drop-down list the desired labels. Or create a label by entering the text into the field.
      ⇒ The labels appear by that pixel. You can search your data collection overview by label to view only the pixels assigned to that label. Labels also serve as reminders of the data a pixel collects or for whom. Example labels are impression, click, advertiser, and publisher.

    5. To add specific information to your data collection, select one or more of the options in the ​Interaction Tracking​ drop-down list.

      1. Time on Page:​ Capture the time that the visitor spent on a page of the website. Intervals range from a fraction of a second up to 5 minutes. The value that is captured reflects any duration above the lower increment up to and including the upper increment.

      2. Page Scroll:​ Save the depth to which a visitor scrolled the page. Values include 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.

      3. Webform Interactions:​ Capture visitor interactions with any web form on the website and the kind of interaction.

        1. Form field focus: The visitor moved to the next field with a click or the Tab button.

        2. Form field key down: The visitor entered data in a web form. The data that is entered is not saved. To capture data that the visitor entered, select the ​Webform Input​ option from the ​User Data​ drop-down list.

        3. Form field click: The visitor clicked a field in a web form.

    6. To add specific information to your data collection, select one or more of the options in the ​User Data​ drop-down list.

      1. Browser Data:​ Collect the browser data of the visitor. This data includes browser version, language, country, date, time, the offset of the time zone, and browser resolution width and height.

      2. User Details:​ Capture the details of a visitor that logged in to the website. Data includes the name and email address (unhashed).

      3. Webform Input:​ Capture the data that the visitor entered in any web form, which includes search bars. The data is saved unhashed. In other words, exact values of names, email addresses, and other entries are saved.

      4. Hashed Email:​ Collect the email of the visitor as a hashed value wherever an email address is entered. One of several hash algorithms is applied to convert the email address to a unique value that cannot be traced to an individual. The software uses several hash algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and SHA256.

        PII: To Collect or Not to Collect

        When you collect unhashed email, visitor details, or web form input, it can result in the collection of personally identifiable information (PII). As you work with this software, keep in mind that you must comply with all applicable privacy legislation. Also note that privacy legislation is country-specific and can differ from country to country.

    7. To add specific information to your data collection, select one or more options from the ​Website Data​ drop-down list.

      1. Average Price on Page:​ See the average price that appears on the visited page.

      2. ​Clicked Elements:​ Capture all the elements the visitor clicked in the website.

      3. Common Words:​ Capture the most frequently used words that appear on the visited page.

      4. Qubit Universal Variable:​ To collect data that relates to the journey of your visitors, such as visitor details, products viewed, and transactions. 

      5. Google Analytics:​ To collect order ID and total revenue.

    8. Select one or more options from the ​Integrations​ drop-down list to add a tag for the pixel to send more information to those integrations.

    9. To add custom data points to the data the on-site pixel collects, enter JavaScript without <script> tags in the ​Custom Code​ box.

    10. Click the ​Configure On-Site​ button to configure custom events or custom success events for this pixel. Click the ​Save and Export​ button to save your entries and move to the ​Export​ window. To cancel your work, click the ​Cancel​ button.

    Related Topics​

    Configure an On-Site Custom Event​
    ​Configure an On-Site Custom Success Event​
    ​Export a Pixel​

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