Create Groups Using the Process Control XML Job
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    Create Groups Using the Process Control XML Job

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    Article summary


    Create a new group in Mapp Engage and import contacts into that group using a Control XML file and a system Whiteboard.

    Some organizations work with agencies that don't have direct access to the Mapp Engage user interface. Instead, the agency creates an XML file containing the actions they want to carry out, which can then be processed with a system whiteboard. 


    • Create the XML file that contains instructions to create the required groups.

    • FTP credentials are set up in Mapp Engage. For more information, see Credentials and Create New Record (window).


    This Whiteboard creates a new group and imports a list of contacts into that group without directly using the Engage UI. The details of all these actions are defined inside the XML file.

    Show detailed configuration

    1. Create a recurring system Whiteboard.

      The Process Control XML job is also available for Scheduled Whiteboards.

    2. Add the job Process Control XML and configure it as needed.

    The groups are now created in Mapp Engage according to the instructions in the file defined in the Whiteboard job.

    Related Topics

    System Whiteboards
    Process Control XML

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