Create New Related Data Set (window)
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    Create New Related Data Set (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Administration​ > ​Attributes​.
      ⇒ The ​Attribute Management​ window opens to the ​Custom Attributes​ tab.

    2. Click ​Related Data​.
      ⇒  The ​Related Data​ opens.

    3. Click ​Create​.
      ⇒ The ​Create Related Data​ window opens.

    The Create New Related Data Set window​

    The ​Create New Related Data Set​ window allows you to create a new related data set. Related data sets are units in Related Data where data is stored in singular columns. Related data sets can be used in different ways.

    • Name: Input field for the name of the related data set. The name of the data record will be needed to complete various functions (for example, to insert content into messages, to create personalization, or to call up selections). As a special language is used for these functions, the name of the related data set may contain only letters and numbers. Spaces or special characters will generate an error.

    • Description: Input field for a description of the related data set. If Related Data is used extensively, adding a detailed description of each data set's contents in the description field will enable faster and easier identification.

    • Linked User Attribute: The list field allows you to select an attribute to be linked with the row key column (the first column of the imported data record in CSV files or the one labeled with row key in XML files). This creates a link between recipient data and the Related Data.

      The behavior of the related data set cannot be changed later.

    • Table Behavior: This defines whether or not the column with the row key of the data record (the first column of the imported data record in CSV files or the one labeled with row-key in XML files) contains unique values. Whether it is more useful to create related data sets with unique identifiers or with identifiers that can appear more than once will depend on the specific scenario.

      • Unique Key - Duplicates produce a row error: when the data is imported into the related data set, the system checks whether all values in the row key column (the first column of the imported data record in CSV files or the one labeled with row-key in XML files) are unique. If a value exists more than once, the data record is not imported and the system generates an error.

      • Duplicate Keys Permitted: entries may appear multiple times in the row key column (the first column of the imported data record in CSV files or the one labeled with row-key in XML files).

    • Cancel: This button closes the page without creating a related data set.

    • Save: This button creates the new related data set. The ​Related Data Overview​ window opens and the new data record is displayed. The structure of the related data record must be specified (see ​Show Structure (tab)​) before data is imported into the related data set (see Add New Data (window)​).

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