Create or Edit Conversion Tracking (window)
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    Create or Edit Conversion Tracking (window)

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    Article summary

    In this window, you create or edit the tracking pixels that you can use to track conversions.

    This pixel must be added to a page of your shop system.

    ​Conversion Tracking ​must be activated for the group or message.

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation, click ​Administration > Categories.

      ⇒ The ​Link Category overview window opens.

    2. Select ​Conversion Tracking.

      ⇒ The  ​Conversion Tracking Overview window opens.

    3. To add a tracking pixel to your system, click ​Create.
      To edit an existing tracking pixel, click ​Edit​ in the ​Actions​ menu of the desired entry on the overview.
      A window in which you can enter or edit the name and description of the tracking pixel opens.

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