Custom Event (tab)
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    Custom Event (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click  > Tracking Pixels.

    2. Hover over the desired pixel and click Configure next to it.

    3. Click Choose Event.

    4. Click the ​Custom button.

    5. A tab opens where you configure the new custom event.


    Collect data about visitors that exhibit web behavior that matches the conditions you specify for this custom event. For example, you can find out how many unique visitors spend over two minutes on your last-minute sales page on weekends. You can learn how many visitors come from the website where your weekend-sale creative appears. The data this custom event collects is presented under the custom event name in the overall data collection for easy review.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Specify the conditions under which data is collected for this custom event.

    • Populate pixels on an external network or advertiser platform with the visitors that were collected with this custom event.




    ​All Pages​

    Collects data from all web pages of the website the on-site pixel is placed on.

    ​Clicked on Any Ad​

    Includes information on visitors who clicked any ad in the website the on-site pixel is placed on.

    ​Day of Week ​

    Collects web traffic that occurs on the days that are specified.

    ​Page Text​

    Specifies text that web pages must contain or cannot contain to collect visitor and web traffic data. Text in iframes is not checked.

    ​Page Title​

    Specifies the title text that web pages must contain or cannot contain to collect the associated visitor and web traffic data.

    ​Pages Viewed​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified number of pages is viewed during one visit.

    ​Referrer URL​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the visitor comes from the specified URL or from a URL that contains the specified string.

    ​Time on Page​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified visit duration on a page is satisfied.

    ​Time on Site​

    Collects associated visitor and web traffic data only when the specified visit duration on a website is satisfied.


    Collects the URL the visitor visited when the URL contains, or does not contain, the specified text string.

    Audience ID

    Collects data for the specified Audience ID. The audience ID is a unique ID of the audience, automatically assigned in Mapp Acquire.


    Specifies the CSS path to the checkbox, and whether it is checked, or unchecked.

    Element Click

    Collects data when a visitor clicked a specific element within a page and did not leave the page.

    ​Product Price​

    Collects data when the specified minimum or maximum price appears on the page.

    Advanced Condition



    Collects data when the specified string matches a text string in the cookie.

    JavaScript Expression

    Conditionally fires a Custom (Success) Event based on outcome Javascript Expressions.

    Page Source

    Collects data when the specified string matches text in the page where the event took place.

    Conditional Element Click

    Collects data when an option was selected. For example, it was changed from inactive to active.

    JavaScript Event

    Collects data when a defined JavaScript Event is triggered, for example clicked on an image.




    ​Custom Event Name​

    Enter a name that reflects the web traffic pattern or visitor behavior that this specific structure captures within the overall data collection.

    ​Trigger External Pixels (optional)​

    Check the ​Select External Pixels​ box to specify the pixels of the external network or advertiser platform you want visitors to populate that this custom event captures.


    Specify the network or advertiser platform where the pixel you want to populate resides. The drop-down list includes the platforms that are integrated with your software. The platform that you select determines the drop-down lists and fields that open for you to specify the external pixel.

    • AppNexus:​ To populate a pixel on the AppNexus platform.

    • Google Display & Video 360:​ To populate a pixel on the Google Display platform.

    • Google Ads:​ To populate a pixel on the Google Ads platform.

    • Custom:​ To populate a pixel on a custom platform.


    Click to create an external pixel on the specified platform.


    Click to cancel your entries.


    Enter a string to search for an external pixel within your account on the specified platform.

    ​Create New Custom Event Pixel​

    Enter two or more characters to search for a specific advertiser.


    Enter the name of the external pixel you would like to create and click the ​Create​ button.


    For a custom platform, specify the URL where your image, script, or iframe resides.

    ​JavaScript without <script> tag​

    Enter the JavaScript you want to insert into the specified image, script, or iframe.

    Information ​



    ​Condition when?​

    Lists the conditions that you can add to the query to specify what data to collect.

    ​Configuration what?​

    Lists the field to name the custom event and the check box to populate external pixels.

    ​Trigger External Pixels (optional)​

    Opens supplementary input fields and drop-down lists to specify an external platform and external pixel to populate with the query that is configured for this custom event.

    Related Topics​

    Configure an On-Site Custom Event​

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