Data Collection Overview (window)
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    Data Collection Overview (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click .
      ⇒ The ​Data Collection Overview​ window opens.


    This window displays the pixels that were created to collect data on your websites and external network and advertiser platforms. If you configured custom events or custom success events to structure the data according to specific website activity, you can view them in this window.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Review the pixels and any custom events or custom success events that are defined for them.

    • Add and remove labels from pixels. Labels help structure your data collections for meaningful reviews.

    • Configure custom success events and custom events to structure your data collection according to web activity and visitor behavior you want to track.

    • Export on-site pixels to generate JavaScript that you insert into your web pages. You can export impression trackers as JavaScript and click trackers as URLs to insert into your creatives on external network and advertiser platforms.

    • View the use of a pixel by domain, custom event, or custom success event. Usage is displayed as the number of events and number of unique users.





    Displays the pixels whose labels match the term that is entered in the input field.

    ​Create ​

    Opens the ​Create Pixel​ window.

    • For a pixel, displays the input field to edit the pixel name.

    • For a label, displays a drop-down list to select the desired label. You can also enter a name to create a label.


    Opens the ​Configure On-Site​ window where you configure custom events and custom success events for the selected pixel.

    Opens the ​Export​ window to export the on-site pixel, impression trackers, and click trackers for the selected pixel.

    Opens the ​Copy Pixel​ window for the selected pixel.

    Opens a window that displays an overview of the performance of the selected pixel by domain, custom event, and custom success event. Performance is displayed by number of events and number of unique visitors.

    Deletes the selected pixel after a confirmation message.





    Displays the name of the pixel, custom event, or custom success event.


    Displays the ID of the pixel, custom event, or custom success event.


    Displays the labels that are assigned to the pixel.


    Displays the on-site configurations that are created for the on-site pixel by type: custom event or custom success event.

    Change Display Options​



    ​up-down arrows​

    Sorts the overview by the elements in this column.

    Displays the custom events and custom success events that are configured for the on-site pixel

    • Sorts the pixel overview by name, Id, or label in ascending alphabetical order.

    • Hides the custom events and custom success events that are configured for a pixel.

    Sorts the pixel overview by name, Id, or label in descending alphabetical order.

    Related Topics​

    Create a Pixel​
    Configure an On-Site Custom Event​
    ​Configure an On-Site Custom Success Event​
    ​Export (window)​

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