Define a Simplified Data Export
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    Define a Simplified Data Export

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    Article summary


    To define and save a new Simplified Data Export file for analysis in an external tool.


    • An FTP server on which to store your export file and the correct address and password.

    • An external tool for analysis of the raw data (for example, a CRM tool).


    1. In the MainNavigation, clickData Management​ > Exports​.

      ⇒ The ​Exports overview window opens.

    2. Click the ​Create button.
      Wizard step ​1. Type​ opens.

    3. Define the type and name of your export. For more information, see 1. Type.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​2. Time Frame​ opens.

    4. Define the desired time frame. For more information, see ​2. Time Frame​.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​​3. Parameters​ opens.

    5. Define for which messages event data is exported. For more information, see ​3. Parameters​.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​​​4. Event Data opens.

    6. Define which event data is included in the export. For more information, see ​4. Event Data​.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​​​5. Other Data opens.

    7. Select additional types of data for your export. For more information, see ​5. Other Data​.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​​​​6. Export Configuration​ opens.

    8. Define file format and output options for your export and specify the server address to which the export file is saved. For more information, see ​6. Export Configuration​.
      When you are finished, click the ​Next​ button.
      Wizard step ​​​​​7. Summary​ opens.

    9. This window provides a summary of the export settings. Check the summary to ensure that the settings are correct. Click on previously viewed tabs or use the ​Back​ button to make changes. For more information, see ​7. Summary​.
      When you are satisfied with your export configuration, click the ​Save​ button.
      Your export configuration is saved and appears in the​ Exports Overview ​window.

    Once defined in the wizard, the export settings are stored in the system.

    There are two ways to generate the export file in Engage:

    Related Topics​

    ​Simplified Data Export​
    Export Options in Mapp Engage
    Generate Exports Manually​

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