Define Time Frame (window)
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    Define Time Frame (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​ Automations​ > ​Automations​.
      ⇒The ​Automations​ window opens to the ​Time-based​ tab.

    2. Click ​Event-based​.

      ⇒The ​Event-based​ window opens.

    3. Click ​Create​.

      ⇒The ​Automation​ window opens to the step ​1. Create Define Event​.

    4. Click ​Edit Job​.

      ⇒The step ​2. Edit Event-based Job​ opens.

    5. Click ​Time Frame​.

      ⇒The step ​3. Define Time Frame​ opens.


    In this window you define the time frame for an event-based automation.

    The time frame activates and deactivates the entire automation on defined start and end dates. Within this time frame, the job is executed when the event takes place.

    Related Topics​


    • Name: Displays the name of the automation as defined in the ​Edit Event​ window.

    • Description: Displays the description of the automation defined in the ​Edit Event​ window.

    • Job: Displays the job. This is the task automatically carried out by the system every time the event occurs. For a list of all available jobs, see ​All Available Event-Based Jobs​.


    • Start Date: Defines the date and time when the automation is activated. Click the  symbol to select the date from a calendar.

    • Time Zone: Defines the time zone of execution.

    • End Date: Defines the date and time when the automation is deactivated. An automation can be active for a maximum of 5 years. Click the  symbol to select the date from a calendar.

    Advanced Options​

    • Execution Days: Defines the days of the week on which the job is executed. The system skips unchecked days. The system executes the job on the following day.

    • Holidays: Defines whether the job runs on holidays.

      • Always: The job runs whenever it is scheduled. Holidays are not considered.

      • Never on Holidays: The job runs never runs on holidays. If the job is scheduled on a holiday, the system delays execution until the next non-holiday.

      • Only on Holidays: The job runs only on holidays. If the job is scheduled on a non-holiday, the system delays execution until the next holiday.

      • Country: Defines the country whose holidays are considered.


    • Remind Before Deactivation: Defines whether Engage sends a reminder before the end date.

      • Yes: The system message ​SysMsgRemindTriggerExpires​ is sent to the defined addresses 30 days prior to the ​End Date​.
        An additional entry field appears selecting email addresses for notification. Click the ​Add​ button to add email addresses. You can only send reminders to registered Engage system users. You can add up to 10 addresses.

      • No: No reminder is sent before the end date.


    • Edit Job: Saves all changes and opens the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window.

    • Save & Activate: Saves all changes and closes the window. The automation is active.

    • Save & Close: Saves all changes and closes the window. The automation is inactive.


    Automations must be activated as well as saved. Only activated automations are executed by the system

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