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[Ad Media]
Shows the lowest level in the campaign view. Based on the ad media the campaign measurement is done. For automatically tracked campaigns the media code is used as the value. Ad media can be aggregated via campaign categories. This allows a super...
[Ad Media] (Mediacode)
Shows the lowest level in the campaign view. Based on the ad media, the campaign measurement is done. For automatically tracked campaigns, the media code is used as the value. This dimension will also show the media code for ad media which have a...
Ad Media Path
Shows the order, in which the ad media were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Every single contact is depicted - contacts are not aggregated. If you only see a single ad media, this means, that no other ad media was tracked within the c...
Ad Media Path Aggregated
Shows the order, in which the ad media were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Directly following accesses of the same ad media are aggregated. Example A user uses the following ad media prior to reach a website goal: Ad media A > A...
Added to Shopping Cart [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here static information on a product is collected. "Added to Shopping Cart" means that only products with the product status "add" are considered. Each metric combined with this dimension...
Added to Wishlist [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here, static information on a product can be tracked. "In Checkout" means only products with the " add-wl " product status are considered. We cannot provide further information here, as e...
Bounce Pages
Shows the names of the pages, that were the only pages accessed during a visit. Use the scroll depth tracking for getting more information about the user behavior on bounce pages. Related Figures Bounces Bounce Rate %
Brand Search
Shows, if an external search phrase was tracked with or without a brand keyword. The brand keyword (e.g. company name, domain) has to be listed in the marketing configuration ( Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration > Brand Ke...
Shows the tracked web browsers including version number, with which users accessed the website. "unknown" includes accesses of the website from browsers, that register very few accesses or from browsers, that cannot be identified.
Browser Language
Webbrowsers offer the possibility to adjust the language of the user interface. Browser language shows this chosen language. Besides the geographical assessment based on IP addresses, this provides one possibility to estimate the origin and langu...
Browser Name
Shows the name of the web browsers, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important browser-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Browser Vendor Browser Version
Browser Resolution
Shows the space, which is available for displaying the website in the browser. A rounding in steps by 10 is done. "unknown" includes accesses of the website, for which no unique browser resolution could be allocated.
Browser Vendor
Shows the vendor of the tracked web browsers, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important browser-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Browser Name Browser Version
Browser Version
Shows the version of the web browsers, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important browser-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Browser Vendor Browser Name
Browser Version (major)
Shows the major version of the web browser, with which users accessed the website. Mapp is dividing the version number of a browser into major and minor. Use this dimension to filter on a specific version. Here is an overview of the browser-rel...
Browser Version (minor)
Shows the minor version of the web browsers, with which users accessed the website. Mapp is dividing the version number of a browser into major and minor. Use this dimension to filter on a specific version. Here is an overview of the browser-re...
[Campaign Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Campaign Category". Here, static information on an ad media is shown. The "-" classifies all campaigns that are not assigned to a campaign category. We cannot provide further information here, as each Ca...
[Campaign Category] in the Customer Journey
Shows the categories of clicked campaigns before a website goal was reached. The name of this category can be set in the campaign configuration ( Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration >&nbs...
[Campaign Parameter]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Campaign Parameter". In this dimension, information on a page is collected. The standard scope of this dimension is "Actions". We cannot provide further information here, as each Parameter is configured in...
[Campaign Parameter] in Customer Journey
This shows a custom campaign parameter that participated in reaching a website goal. If you track multiple website goals, you should filter on one website goal. Also, this dimension can be used to filter customer journey analyses.
Campaign Search Phrases in Customer Journey
Shows external search phrases that were tracked together with a campaign and contributed to the reach of a website goal. The complete input is shown that users use in a search engine. The majority of search phrases are depicted as "not provided...
Campaign Type
Campaign types allow the specific limitation of the campaign activity within a visit. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between these campaign types Clicks: When the data source of the campaign (e.g. media code) is tracked. Engagement: All p...
Shows the cities, from which users accessed the website. Umlauts are not depicted (example: instead of "ä" the system will show "a"). The determination is done via the IP address. Every user is assigned to a fixed dial-in node. Thus, even sma...
Cohorts (Daily)
Shows the time of the first visit for visitors in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Extensive information on cohorts in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the corresponding training chapter .
Cohorts (Lifespan Days)
Shows the time span in days between the first and another visit. Example The first visit is also taken into account and always takes place at day 0. More information on cohorts in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the corresponding ...
Cohorts (Lifespan Months)
Shows the time span in months between the first and another visit. Example The first visit is also taken into account and always takes place at Month 0. Months are defined as time frames of 30 days each after the first visit. More info...
Cohorts (Lifespan Weeks)
Shows the time span in weeks between the first and another visit. Example Hint: The first visit is also taken into account and always takes place at week 0. Please note, that weeks are defined as time frames of 7 days each after the first...
Cohorts (Monthly)
Shows the time of the first visit for visitors in the format YYYY-MM. Extensive information on cohorts in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the corresponding training chapter .
Cohorts (Weekly)
Shows the time of the first visit for visitors in the format YYYY-WW. Extensive information on cohorts in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the corresponding training chapter .
Color Depth
Shows, which screen color depth is used by visitors visiting the website. " unknown" includes accesses of the website, for which no color depth could be identified.
[Content Group]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Content Group". In this dimension, static information on a page is collected. The "-" classifies all pages that are not assigned to a content group. We cannot provide further information here, as each ...
[Content Group] (Bounce Pages)
This is a custom dimension of the type "Content Group". In this dimension, static information on a page is collected. "Bounce Pages" means that only pages are taken into consideration which were the only pages viewed in a visit. The "-" classifi...
[Content Group] (Entry Page)
This is a custom dimension of the type "Content Group". In this dimension, static information on a page is collected. "Entry Page" means that only entry pages (i.e., the first page viewed in a visit) within this content group are taken into conside...
[Content Group] (Exit Page)
This is a custom dimension of the type "Content Group". In this dimension, static information on a page is collected. "Exit Page" means that only exit pages (i.e., the last page of a visit) are taken into consideration. "-" classifies all pages ...
Shows, if the user has cookies activated in the browser. If this is not the case and no customer ID is submitted, the user cannot be recognized again in the next visit. Thus, he will be tracked as a new visitor.
Shows the countries from which the website was accessed. Mapp Intelligence determines the origin by the IP address. If you configured the IP addresses to be deleted completely in the system configuration in the section Data Collection , the...
CRM - Explorer
Provides an overview about important information that was tracked based on the visitor ID submitted to Mapp Intelligence (in the parameter CustomerID). Use the help function for each dimension to get further information.
Custom Visitor Id
Shows a unique visitor id (customer ID), that is usually submitted at login. In most cases this is a hashed email address. This information is submitted to Mapp Intelligence in the parameter "cd".
Date of First occurrence [Dimension Name]
Shows the date/time when an object was first tracked. We use the Date format (Day DD-MM-YYYY). You can filter on the first occurrence by using the dimension First occurrence [Dimension Name] . Additional information, including use cases and setup...
Shows the days in which Data was tracked. Days are displayed in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Depths of Engagement
Depths of engagement track the level of reaching a website goal within a visit and have to be configured individually. The main goal of a website should be defined as best depth of engagement. Additional depths of engagements show intermediate st...
Device Class
Shows the kind of device visits were made from. This information is extracted from the User-Agent. PC / laptop Tablet Includes all accesses via tablets. An exception is Windows-based tablets. Due to technical limitations, these are not ...
Device Class in Customer Journey
This dimension shows which device classes (i.e., tablet) were involved in a customer journey. A customer journey includes all visits from the first contact of a campaign to the attainment of a website goal configured in Mapp Intelligence. Use th...
Device Family
Shows sets of devices, each from the same producer. This information is extracted from the User-Agent. Use the dimension "Device Name" to get the names of the devices that belong to this family. If no device name is detected, the output equals "...
Device Model
Shows the single model numbers the tracked devices. This information is extracted from the User-Agent. Use the dimensions "Devices Name" and "Device Family" to get the common names of the devices. If no device name is detected, the output e...
Device Name
Shows devices that are distributed under the same name. This information is extracted from the User-Agent. Use the dimension Device Model to get the model number of devices that are distributed under this name. If no device name is detected...
Shows all devices, that were identified based on their User-Agent. Use other dimensions to group devices or get additional information. A detailed device-specific assignment is only possible for mobile devices. "any Desktop & Laptop" are...
Devices in Customer Journey
This dimension shows which devices (i.e., iPhone) were involved in a customer journey. A customer journey includes all visits from the first contact of a campaign to the attainment of a website goal configured in Mapp Intelligence. Use this di...
Devices Manufacturer
Shows the name of the brand, that produced the device. This information is extracted from the User-Agent. If no device is detected, the output equals "unknown". Use the dimension Device Model to get the model number of devices that are dist...
[E-Commerce Parameter]
This is a custom dimension of the type "E-Commerce Parameter". In this dimension, information on products and orders is collected. The standard scope of this dimension is "Actions" or "Direct". We cannot provide further information here, as each...
End device Visitor Ids
Shows a unique visitor ID, that is written into a cookie created by Mapp. This cookie ID is unique for each Mapp Intelligence account and (when using 1st party cookies) for each domain. In order to identify a user as unique as possible, use the ...
Entry Page
Shows the names of the pages, that were accessed first in a visit. This means, within 30 minutes prior to the page access no other page or user information was tracked.
Entry Sources
Shows the referrers tracked on entry pages. Example A user views the following pages Entry Sources Analysis ( Marketing > Entry Sources > Entry Sources ) For the entry page of the first visit ( home ), the referrer ...
[Event Parameter]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Event Parameter". In this dimension, information on an event is collected. The standard scope of this dimension is "Actions". We cannot provide further information here, as each Parameter is configured ind...
Using Events, you can measure clicks on links or other actions. Examples PDF downloads Clicks on HTML links Clicks on teasers "wt_ignore" is shown if for an action, no LinkId is passed. This happens, for example, when using a plugin...
Exit Page
Shows the name of the pages, that were accessed last in the visits. This means, that within 30 minutes after the access of the page no other page or user information was tracked.
External Search Phrases
Shows the complete input into search engines, that were used to access the website. The search phrase includes complete user input into the search field. Use External Search Words for analyzing individual search words. Example A we...
External Search Words
Shows the search words, that were used with search engines in order to access the website. If multiple words were used, all of them are depicted separately. Use External Search Phrases for analyzing the complete input. Example A website visit...
First Occurrence [Dimension Name]
Allows you to filter on the first occurrence. Options available are "Yes" and "No". Find out the exact date by using the dimension Date of First occurrence [Dimension Name] . Additional information, including use cases and setup information, is a...
Follower Pages
This dimension is part of the pages analysis and shows the direct follower page of a page within the same visit. Between both pages no further pages may be viewed. Using this dimension is most useful if you restrict your analysis to a specific...
Form Fields
Shows the names of the form fields. Mapp Intelligence uses the identifier passed in the name tag for the naming of Form Fields. Did you activate the path analysis for form fields in the pixel? Please be aware then, that multiple transmissions ...
Form Field Values
Shows the values of the tracked form fields. By default the values are transmitted anonymized. In this case it is only shown, whether the field was empty ("empty") or filled out ("filled_out"). A maximum of 30 characters can be tracked. Did y...
Shows the names of the tracked forms. If no name was given for a form, then the name of the page on which the form exists will be used.
Global End device Visitor Id
Is a uniquely generated ID for each browser or end device for the effective use of RTA functions. For doing so, a 3rd party cookie is generated by Mapp Intelligence, that is not account specific. The Global End device Visitor Id is not available ...
Google Ads
This dimension shows the ads passed via the Google Ads API. In Mapp Intelligence, we use the Google Ads headline as the ad media name. Only the headlines are shown, not the text descriptions. Dynamically generated headlines are not suppor...
Google Keywords
Shows the keywords passed via the Google Ads API. In parentheses the selected description text is displayed. Ads that did not generate any Mapp Intelligence clicks may also be shown.
Hour in Customer Journey
Shows the hour at which a campaign contact was performed within a customer journey. The 24-hour format is used. A Customer journey is stored as soon as a website goal is attained. Therefore, "normal" time dimensions (hours, days, etc.) can...
Shows the hours of the day from 0 to 23 in which Page Impressions were tracked. Mapp is using the in Mapp Q3 selected timezone. Learn more about it in this article . In case you use metrics like visitors or visits, the counting is done fo...
Internal/External Campaign
It allows differing between internal and external campaigns. An Ad Media can be manually classified as "Internal Ad Media" at "Attribution Settings" when creating or editing an ad media. This dimension is often used for filtering campaigns ...
Internal/External Campaign in Customer Journey
Shows whether internal or external campaigns were involved in attaining a website goal. Each campaign can be defined as internal or external. If no configuration within a campaign is done, the campaign is external. Use this dimension to filter ...
Internal Search Phrases
Shows the complete search inputs, that were used with the internal search of the website. The search phrase includes the complete user input into the search field. Use Internal Search Words for analyzing the individual search words. Example ...
Internal Search Words
Shows the search words, that were used with the internal search of the website. If multiple words were used, all of them are depicted separately. Use Internal Search Phrases for analyzing the complete input. Example A website visitor uses "wh...
Internet Provider
Shows the internet service providers (ISP), from which users accessed the website. Mapp Intelligence determines the origin by the IP address. If you configured the IP addresses to be deleted completely in the system configuration in the section ...
Shows, if Java was activated in the browser.
Shows if JavaScript was activated in the browser. Users without activated JavaScript are only tracked, if you use the NoScript pixel for data collection. "n/a" means, that no information is available. This is the case, for example, when the da...
Depicts the name of the media (e.g., videos), that were tracked. Mapp Intelligence offers the possibility of tracking the media usage on your website. For doing so, there are three different options. Besides the possibility of sending the media r...
Media ads in Customer Journey
This shows the Ad Media (equal to the lowest level of the campaign configuration) that participated in reaching a website goal. If you track multiple website goals, you should filter on one website goal. Also, this dimension can be used to filte...
Media ad (Landingpage)
This dimension shows the Ad Media via which users started their visit. The Ad Media shows the lowest level of a campaign. Campaign measurement is based on the ad media. The name of the Ad Media can be set individually using the campaign conf...
Media Bandwidth (Bit/Second)
Shows the bandwith of the mediastreams and helps to understand, in which quality a video was watched. If no values are submitted, "0" is shown. In case multiple bandwidths are used within a video, only the last submitted value is saved.
[Media Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Media Category". Here static information on a media stream is collected. "-" classifies all media streams that are not assigned to a media category. We cannot provide further information here, as each Me...
Media Player Actions
Shows the actions, that were transmitted in the media player. In case of fully integrated media tracking, the following actions are depicted by default: Play As soon as a video is started (click on button or autoplay). Pause As soon as ...
Media Player Mute
Shows, if sound was activated or deactivated. Possible values: Yes: No sound was activated. No: Sound was activated. Only the value transmitted last is saved per video.
Media Player Volume
Shows the volume, that was used in the media player. The scale can be adjusted individually in the setup. We recommend a scaling in percents from 0 (=muted) to 100 (=maximum volume).
Media Run Time Minutes
Shows the played minutes of a medium. 0 = 0–59 seconds 1 = 60–119 seconds ...
Shows the minutes of the hours from 0 to 59 in which data was collected. In case you use metrics like visitors or visits, the counting is done for all minutes, in which the users were active.
Shows the months in which data was collected. Months are displayed in the format YYYY/MM.
Shows the speed of internet connections, with which visitors visit the website. " unknown " includes visits for which no connection speed could be determined. " Modem/ISDN " includes visits via modem or ISDN units, with a connecting speed ra...
New vs. Returning
Shows whether website accesses were made by new visitors, returning visitors or unknown visitors. New The first visit of a user. No Mapp Intelligence cookie exists, and no known Customer ID has been tracked. Returning All Users that have...
Operating System
Shows the tracked operating systems. "unknown" includes accesses from infrequently used operating systems or those, for which no operating system could be determined.
Operating System Name
Shows the name of the operating system, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important operating system-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Operating System Vendor Operating System Version
Operating System Vendor
Shows the vendor of the operating system, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important operating system-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Operating System Name Operating System Version
Operating System Version
Shows the version of the operating system, with which users accessed the website. Here is an overview of the most important operating system-related dimensions. Similar Dimensions Operating System Vendor Operating System Name
Operating System Version (major)
Shows the major version of the operating system, with which users accessed the website. Mapp is dividing the version number of an operating system into major and minor. Use this dimension to filter on a specific version. Here is an overview of ...
Operating System Version (minor)
Shows the minor version of the operating system, with which users accessed the website. Mapp is dividing the version number of an operating system into major and minor. Use this dimension to filter on a specific version. Here is an overview of ...
Order ID
Shows all order IDs that were tracked . Order ID Structure and Generation Passing an Order ID to Mapp Intelligence is optional but highly recommended. Providing an Order ID increases the accuracy of order tracking by ensuring that multiple ac...
Order Time
Shows the time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS , the order was submitted. The time zone CET is always used.
Shows the companies, from which users accessed the website. For private users, the internet provider is submitted. Different services your visitors use, like VPNs, may also affect their displayed organization. Mapp Intelligence determines the or...
Entry Source Type
Shows the tracked referrer type on the entry page. Mapp Intelligence differentiates Additional Information Training chapter Marketing Analyses
Other Sources
Shows the external websites from which the website is accessed. The domains of the external websites are displayed. For "Hidden Referrers", the referrer cannot be determined, for example, due to firewalls or proxies. Nevertheless, these are n...
[Page Parameter]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Page Parameter". In this dimension, information on a page is collected. The standard scope of this dimension is "Pages". We cannot provide further information here, as each Parameter is configured individu...
Shows the submitted name of a single page. In many cases, the name is specified individually. If no individual naming is done, the URL is displayed. Please note, that in this case no URL parameters are included in the page name. Further infor...
Page URL
The page URL is a predefined content group in Mapp Intelligence that shows the initially tracked URL of a page. By doing so, URL parameters are taken into account, too. Example At 08:02 the page "home" was logged for the first time in Mapp Inte...
The dimension "Plugins" shows the plugins, that are installed in the visitors' browsers.
Position since Customer Journey Start
Shows at which position the campaign has been used since the beginning of the customer journey. Example of a customer journey with position It is often used for filtering customer journeys.
Position before Customer Journey End
Shows at which position within a customer journey a campaign was used before reaching the website goal. Example of a customer journey with position It is often used for filtering customer journeys.
Preceding Pages
This dimension is part of the pages path analysis and shows the direct preceding page of a page within the same visit. Between both pages, no further pages can be viewed. Using this dimension is most useful if you restrict your analysis to a s...
[Process] Process Exit Steps
For each custom-created process, this dimension shows which user aborted the process in the corresponding step. This means that neither the next mandatory step nor one of the optional steps was taken. If you have questions about the process's con...
[Process] Process Steps
This is a custom process. With the help of this, you can analyze at which points of a configured sequence of steps users abort. We cannot provide further information here, as each Process is configured individually in your Mapp Intelligence syste...
Products Added to Cart
Depicts the names of the products added to the shopping cart that were submitted to Mapp Intelligence. The product status determines this information. All metrics you use with this dimension only refer to this product status. For further info...
[Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here static information on a product is collected. "-" classifies all products that are not assigned to a media category. We cannot provide further information here, as each Category i...
[Product Category] in Checkout
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here, static information on a product can be tracked. "In Checkout" means that only products with the product status "checkout" are considered. We cannot provide further information here,...
Product Images
Product Images shows an image instead of the name of the corresponding product. As a prerequisite, the product images must have been imported . If no product image has been imported, the product name instead of the image will be shown. ...
Product List Position
Shows, on which position products were viewed in the list. Please note, that this information is also available in the other product status (viewed, added to cart, purchased). Thus, for a meaningful analysis the analysis has to be filtered on a s...
Returns the names of the products that were passed (independent from the product status). To analyze this dimension, metrics, and formulas that incorporate the product status are usually used (e.g., Qty Product Views, Qty Purchased Product). Fur...
Products Added to Wishlist
Returns the names of the products added to your customer's Wishlist. Related Basic Metrics
Products in Checkout
Returns the names of the products the customer has in their cart at checkout.
Products Removed from Cart
Returns the names of the customer's products removed from their cart. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Products Removed from Wishlist
Returns the names of the products removed from the wishlist. Related Basic Metrics
Product Status
Shows the product status of the tracked products. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between: Viewed in List A product was viewed on a product overview page (status "list"). Requires the use of the corresponding plugin . Viewed A produc...
Purchased [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product category". Here static information on a product can be tracked. "Purchased" means that only products with the product status "conf" are considered. Each metric combined with this dimension relates t...
Purchased Products
Depicts the labels of the products, for which the corresponding product status was submitted to Mapp Intelligence. This information is determined by the product status. Please note, that all metrics you use with this dimension only refer to this...
Shows the quarters in which data was collected. Only the quarters are depicted, not the years. If you want to analyze multiple years, it is recommended to use a pivot table for differentiating the years.
Referrer URLs
Shows the complete URLs of all tracked referrer types (search engines, social media sources, and other sources). URL-Parameters are not taken into account.
Shows the regions, from which users accessed the website. Umlauts are not depicted (example: instead of "ä" the system will show "a"). "-" shows all accesses, for which no region could be determined. The determination is done via the IP address...
Removed from Cart [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here, static information on a product can be tracked. "Removed" means that only products with the product status "del" are considered. We cannot provide further information here, as each ...
Removed from Wishlist [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here, static information on a product can be tracked. "Removed from Wishlist" means only products with the "del-wl" product status are considered. We cannot provide further information he...
Screen Resolution
Shows, how many pixels can be displayed on the screen in total. These are so-called "CSS pixels", that were specifically introduced for web developers. A rounding in steps of 10 is done. "unknown" includes accesses, for which no scree...
Search Engines
Shows, via which search engines the website was accessed. The domain of the search engine is depicted. Included are accesses via paid ads (e.g. Google Ads) as well as accesses via organic search. The recognition is based on the referrer. No conf...
Search Phrases (Campaigns)
Shows external search phrases, that were tracked together with a campaign. The search phrase includes the complete user input into the search field. The full input is shown, that users used in a search engine. The majority of search phrases i...
Search Phrases Path
Shows the order, in which external search phrases were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Every single search phrase is depicted – they are not aggregated. If you only see a single search phrases, this means, that no other search phrase ...
Search Phrases Path (Aggregated)
Shows the order, in which external search phrases were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Search phrases, that were tracked directly following each other, are aggregated. Example A user uses the following external search phrases prior t...
Second Follower Pages
Shows the tracked follower pages of a follower page. Between both pages, no other pages may have been viewed. The use of this dimension is only meaningful when limiting on a starting page and its follower page. This can be done via filtering (...
Second Preceding Pages
Is part of the pages path analysis and shows the direct preceding pages within the visit. Between both pages, no other pages may have been viewed. Using this dimension is only useful if you restrict your analysis to one or more specific preced...
With segments, filters can be saved independently of an analysis. This allows quick access to even complex filter setups in Mapp Intelligence. Examples Users of Internal Search New Visitors from Berlin or Munich Buyers from Google M...
SEM Keywords
Shows the keywords booked at Google Ads, via which the website was accessed. Furthermore, the match type defined in Google Ads (e.g. broad, phrase, exact) is depicted in brackets. Example of a SEM keyword: "trousers (Broad)" The usage of the Ma...
SEM Keywords in Customer Journey
Shows the keywords booked at Google Ads, via which the website was accessed, and which participated in reaching a website goal. Furthermore, the match type defined in Google Ads (e.g., broad, phrase, exact) is depicted in brackets. Example of an ...
Session IDs
Shows the session IDs, that were generated by Mapp Intelligence. For each visit Mapp Intelligence generates an unique ID. This session ID is often used for filtering on specific visits. For example, you can check if anomalies occur in specific v...
[Session Parameter]
This dimension is a custom dimension of the type "session parameter". Here information on a visit can be tracked. In this dimension, information on a visit is collected. The standard scope of this dimension is "Visits". We cannot provide fu...
Social Media Sources
Displays from which social media referrers the website was accessed. External websites are identified as social media sources if their URL was declared in Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration > Social Media Referrer . Cus...
Ad Media are typed via (traffic) sources. Therefore, a superordinate analysis is possible. Sources are especially useful in customer journey analyses. Besides the Ad Media itself, they are the only option for analysis there. Further information&...
Source in the Customer Journey
Shows the traffic sources that were involved in the reach of a website goal. If you record multiple website goals, you should filter on one website goal. Furthermore, this dimension is often used for filtering in Customer journey analyses. Ex...
Source - Organic vs. Campaign
Shows, if the access was made via a marketing campaign, that based on an URL parameter (=campaigns), or not (=organic). Examples for organic campaigns Direct entry SEO Other sources Marketing campaigns have to be set up in Mapp Intell...
Time in Campaign Lifecycle
Shows, how many days passed within the customer journey prior to the reach of a website goal. A customer journey cannot tracked before a website goal is reached Is often used for filtering customer journeys.
Time in Campaign Lifecycle
Shows, at which time a campaign contact happened. The format is [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]. A customer journey is not saved in Mapp Intelligence until a website goal is reached. As a consequence, standard time dimensions (hours, days, ...) ca...
Time in Campaign Lifecycle (Days)
Shows, how many days passed since the first campaign contact within a customer journey. Customer journeys are not tracked until a a website goal is reached. Is often used for filtering customer journeys.
Traffic Source - Organic vs. Campaign
Shows, if the entry was made via a marketing campaign, that based on an URL parameter (=campaigns), or not (=organic). Examples of organic campaigns Direct entry SEO Other sources Marketing campaigns have to be set up in Mapp Q3. Fur...
Traffic Sources Path
Shows the order, in which traffic sources were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Every single traffic source is depicted – they are not aggregated. If you only see a single traffic source, this means, that no other traffic source was tr...
Traffic Sources Path (Aggregated)
Shows the order, in which the Traffic Sources were used prior to the reach of a website goal. Directly following accesses of the same Traffic Sources are aggregated. Example A user uses the following Traffic Sources prior to the reach of a webs...
Traffic Sources Path (Aggregated)
This dimension shows in which order traffic sources were used before a website goal was attained. Similar traffic sources that occur directly one after another are merged to one contact. Further information Training chapter Campaign Ana...
User - Age
Shows the current age of a visitor in blocks of 5 years. Please note that the data are rounded up: User - Age "20" = 15–19 years User - Age "25" = 20–24 years The value is recalculated each day based on the dates of birth entered. The ag...
[User Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "User category". Here static information on a user can be tracked. The "-" classifies all users that are not assigned to one of the User categories. We cannot provide further information here, as each Cat...
User - City
Displays the city from which the user comes. The city is determined automatically based on the IP address during the user's first visit. The city can also be overwritten (e.g., when it is requested during the checkout process). This can help to r...
User - Country
Displays the country where the user comes from. It is determined automatically based on the IP address during the user's first visit. The country can also be overwritten (e.g., when the country is requested during the checkout process). This can ...
User - Days between contacts
Shows how many days have passed between visits. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous visit in days for every visit. The first visit is not considered for the calculation. Additional Information Training chapter Extended...
User - Days between orders
Shows how many days have passed between visits. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous visit in days for every visit. The number of days to the first visit is depicted for the first order. Additional Information Training chap...
User - Days since Contact
Shows the number of days that have passed since the previous visit. This metric relates to the chosen analysis period. Example A user visited your website on February 13 and February 14: If the chosen time period is Feb 13 to Feb 14, the num...
User - Days since Order
Shows the number of days that have passed since an order. This metric is recalculated by Mapp Intelligence on a daily basis. Example You chose the 02-01 to 02-02 as the analysis time period. Orders on 02-01 show as "User - Days since Order" 1, ...
User - E-Mail Opt-in
Shows whether a user has registered for a newsletter or not. The following statuses are available: Unknown: Default status. Always available if no other status is set. Yes No
User - Email Receiver Id
This unique ID of the newsletter receiver serves as a link between Mapp Intelligence and Mapp Engage. This dimension is a User category and not interesting for analysis. If implemented correctly, the receiver ID is automatically added to the...
User - Explorer
Provides an overview about important information that was tracked based on the visitor ID generated by Mapp Intelligence (Ever-ID of the cookie). Use the help function for each dimension to get further information.
User - Gender
Displays the gender of a visitor that was transmitted to Mapp Intelligence. Visitors for which no gender is available, are displayed as "-".
User - Last Visit
Limits to a user's last visit and is often used for filtering. The analysis will be limited to the last visit in total, not to the last visit in the analysis time period. This means that if you, for example, analyze the last month, but the use...
User - Last Visit with a Purchase
Shows whether an order was placed during the last visit. Is often used for filtering. Additional Information Training chapter Extended user-centric analyses
User - Macro Status
The macro status is used for the evaluation of the long-term reach of goals and shows the process from the first contact to the repeated purchase. A visitor is always assigned to exactly one status (the one with the highest priority). The assignm...
User - Micro Status
The micro status is used for the evaluation of the short-term reach of goals and shows the cycle between (repeated) first contact and purchase. "User -Micro Status" shows the visitor status a user had had in the respective last visit. A visitor ...
User - Orders
Shows the accumulated number of orders that a visitor had up to a specific date. Calculation example A user made two orders: January: 1 order => User - Orders = 1 February: 1 order => User - Orders = 2 Additional Information Trai...
User - Orders w. Discount
Shows the accumulated number of orders with a discount that a visitor made since his first contact up until the specific date. Calculation example A visitor made two orders. Order 1 in January: Order value 100 Euros (including 5 Euros discoun...
User - Order Value
Shows the accumulated order values in an interval of 10 that a visitor generated from his first contact until the specified date. Example of the depiction of the interval Order value 0 = 0–9,99 Order value 10 = 10–19,99 Calculation examp...
User - Page Impressions
Shows the accumulated page impressions in an interval of 10 that a visitor generated from his first contact until the specified date. Example of the depiction of the interval User Page Impressions 0 = 1–9 Page Impressions User Page Im...
User - Postal Code
Displays the postal code of the location from which the user comes. It is determined automatically based on the IP address during the user's first visit. The postal code can also be overwritten (e.g., when the postal code is requested during the ...
User - Predicted Churn Probability % (interval 10)
Shows the probability that a user will not return to the website within the next 90 days. The values are shown in intervals of 10: "0" represents the range from 0% to <10%, "10" represents the range from 10% to <20%, and so on.
User - Predicted Conversion Probability % (interval 10)
Shows the probability of a visitor making a purchase within the next 30 days. The values are shown in intervals of 10: "0" represents the range from 0% to <10%, "10" represents the range from 10% to <20%, and so on.
User - RFE Group
Shows the RFE status of a visitor at the end of the analysis period. Utilization of the RFE model (recency, frequency, engagement) enables website visitors to be analyzed based on their previous usage behavior. RECENCY: number of days since th...
User - RFM Group
Shows the RFM status of a visitor at the end of the analysis period. Utilization of the RFM model (recency, frequency, monetary) enables website visitors to be analyzed based on their previous purchase behavior. RECENCY: number of days since l...
User - Street
Shows the street from which a user comes from. Only available when this information is transmitted to Mapp Intelligence.
User - Visits
Shows the number of visits a user had from his first contact up to a certain point. Example A user had his first visit on February 13 and performed three visits overall: An analysis for the whole time period (Feb 13 to Feb 15) yields the f...
User Profile - Discount Value
Shows the accumulated discount values in an interval of 10 that a visitor got granted since his first contact up until the specified date. The discount value has to be submitted to Mapp Intelligence via a separate parameter. Example of the depic...
User Profile - Days since First Contact
Shows how many days have passed since the first visit. The value is calculated on a daily basis. It is a profile dimension, which means that a depiction over time is usually not useful. Additional Information Training chapter Extended user-ce...
User Profile - Days since Last Contact
Shows the number of days that passed since the last visit. The value is calculated on a daily basis. It is a profile dimension, which means that a depiction over time is usually not useful. Additional Information Training chapter Extended use...
User Profile - Days since Last Order
Shows the number of days that have passed since the last order. The value is calculated on a daily basis. It is a profile dimension, which means that a depiction over time is usually not useful. Additional Information Training chapter Extende...
User Profile - Discount Value
Shows the accumulated discount values in an interval of 10 that a visitor got granted since his first contact up until his last visit. Example of the depiction of the interval Discount value 0 = 0–9,99 Discount value 10 = 10–19,99 Calcul...
User Profile - Last Micro Customer Journey
Allows for restricting on the cycle of the Customer Micro Status that was tracked last across all visits. Yes : shows the cycle of the Customer Micro Status that was tracked last. No: shows all tracked cycles of the Customer Micro St...
User Profile - Macro Status
The macro status is used for the evaluation of the long-term reach of goals and shows the process from the first contact to the repeated purchase. "User Profile - Macro Status" always shows the visitor status a user had had on his last visit. A ...
User Profile - Micro Status
The micro status is used for the evaluation of the short-term reach of goals and shows the cycle between (repeated) first contact and purchase. "User Profile - Micro Status" always shows a user's visitor status on his last visit. A visitor is al...
User Profile - Orders
Shows the accumulated number of orders a visitor has made since his first contact in total. Calculation example A user made two orders: January: 1 Order February: 1 Order In total, the user has two customer profile orders. The use of t...
User Profile - Orders w. Discount
Shows the accumulated number of orders with a discount that a visitor made since his first contact up until his last visit. Calculation example A user made two orders: Order 1 in January: Order value 100 Euros (including 5 Euros discount). ...
User Profile - Order Value
Shows the accumulated order value in an interval of 10 that a visitor generated since his first contact. Example of the depiction of the interval Customer Profile Order Value 0 = 0–9,99 [currency] Customer Profile Order Value 10 = 10–19,99 ...
User Profile - Page Impressions
Shows the accumulated number of page impressions in an interval by 10, that a visitor generated since his first contact. Example of the depiction of the interval User Profile Page Impressions 0 = 1–9 Page Impressions User Profile Page Impre...
User Profile - RFE Group
Shows the RFE status of a visitor on his last visit. It is a profile dimension, which means that a depiction over time is usually not useful. Utilization of the RFE model (recency, frequency, engagement) enables website visitors to be analyzed b...
User Profile - RFM Group
Shows the RFM status of a visitor on his last visit. It is a profile dimension, which means that a depiction over time is usually not useful. Utilization of the RFM model (recency, frequency, monetary) enables website visitors to be analyzed bas...
User Profile - Visits
Shows the accumulated number of visits that a user has generated from his first contact up to his last visit. Example A user had his first visit on February 13 and performed 3 visits in total: The analysis for the whole time period (Feb ...
Visitor Id
Shows a unique visitor ID, that is generated by the "End device Visitor Ids" (cookie ID) and/or the "Custom Visitor Id" (customer ID). Use this dimension for a preferably unique analysis of specific visitors. Visitors without login (customer ...
Video quartile
Quartile as a dimension in Media analysis. It shows in clusters of 25 percent how far a video has been watched. Use this dimension to define your own Engagement metrics.
Viewed [Product Category]
This is a custom dimension of the type "Product Category". Here static information on a product is collected. "Viewed" means that only products with the product status "view" are tracked. Each metric combined with this dimension relates to viewed...
Viewed Products
Depicts the labels of the products, for which the corresponding product status was submitted to Mapp Intelligence. This information is determined by the product status. All metrics used with this dimension only refer to this product status. F...
Visit Time
Shows the time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS , when a visit started. The time zone CET is always used.
Website Goals
Shows if the configured website goals have been reached. Website goals have to be configured at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Goal . The website goal "Order" is predefined in Mapp Intelligence. It is always reached when an order value was tra...
Shows the days of the week in which data was tracked.
Shows the calendar weeks in which Page Impressions were tracked. Weeks are displayed in the format YYYY/WW. You can select in Mapp Q3 > Configuration > System Configuration on which day the week starts.
Shows the calendar years in which the Page Impressions were tracked. The format for years is YYYY.
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