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    Article summary

    The function ecx:filterDuplicates returns only distinct entries from a target source with duplicate rows filtered out. The value returned is an object type. This function is only useful for non-unique data sets. Data sets with unique keys will not have duplicates.


    A related data set named ​"Q12021"​ contains purchase records for the first quarter of the year. The key column contains non-unique values. The data set contains a column that identifies the customer who made the purchase called ​"User ID​", which is linked to the user attribute user. Email in Engage. Records from the related data set that corresponds to the recipient's email address are to be displayed in a message. Duplicate records should not be inserted into the message a second time.

    The records are inserted into the message using a ​ForEach​ loop:

    <%ForEach var="item" items="${ecx:filterDuplicates(ecx:related('Q12021','User ID'))}"%> <%item.ProductID%> <%/ForEach%>

    In this example, the function ecx:related is used to designate the ​User ID​ as the key column in the related data set. The function ecx:filterDuplicates filters for multiple records with identical values. For each recipient with an email address that matches the value in the ​User ID​ column, the value in the ​ProductID column is inserted in the message.

    This function only considers a record to be a duplicate when the values in all columns are duplicated. If the related data set in this example contains purchase records for a customer who purchased the same item on two different dates, the product ID for this item would be displayed twice in the message. The record would not be considered a duplicate because the values in the purchase date column are different.







    Specifies the source of the data to filter.

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