Edit a Coupon List
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    Edit a Coupon List

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    Article summary


    To edit coupon list information.

    You cannot change the name of a coupon list. The name is a unique identifier in the system and is used to add the coupons to a message (see Add Coupons to a Message​).


    The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the coupon manager, contact your Account Manager.

    Background Information​

    In Mapp Engage, coupons are managed in coupon lists. To ensure well organized coupon management, each coupon list only contains one type of coupon (for example, free shipping or 25% discount).

    Additional coupons can be added to a list even if the coupon list already contains coupons. Coupons are created in a shop or CRM system as a TXT or CSV file and uploaded to Mapp Engage (see ​Import Coupons Into a Coupon List​). The system that creates the coupon regulates the valid use of the coupon during the purchase or order process.

    Mapp Engage administers the distribution of coupons to the message recipients (see Add Coupons to a Message​). A coupon can only be sent one time to one recipient. If the placeholder for a coupon list is inserted multiple times in the same message, the same coupon code is displayed in each location. If several different coupons must be included in a message, the coupons must be inserted from multiple lists.

    The maximum length for each coupon code is 200 characters.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation, click ​Content > ​Voucher Manager > Coupon.
      ⇒ The ​Coupon Lists Overview window opens.

    2. Next to the coupon list to edit, click  .
      ⇒ The ​Edit Coupon List​ window opens.

    3. Enter or edit the description as desired.

    4. In the ​Insufficient Number of Coupons area, activate an option to define what happens when there are no coupons available in the list.

      • To replace the coupon with a predefined text and continue message sendout when there are no more coupons available, select ​Display Alternative Text.
        When this option is activated, the window adjusts to display a mandatory ​Alternative Text input field.
        Enter or edit the text in the ​Alternative Text​ input field. The maximum number of characters is 200.

      • To pause the message sendout when there are no more coupons available, select ​Pause Sendout. You can resume the sendout of the paused message once additional coupons are uploaded to the list (see Resume Sendout of a Coupon Message​).

    5. In the optional ​Preview Text​ input field, enter or edit the text that replaces the actual coupon in messages to test recipients and in messages that are used as previews. Actual coupons from the coupon list are never used for test and preview messages.
      If no preview text is entered, default text is automatically generated from the name of the list.
      The maximum length for the preview text is 200 characters.

    6. In the ​Remind Owner area, specify whether an optional reminder notification is generated when a predefined number of coupons remain in the coupon list.
      Select ​No​ if you do not want to send notification messages about the number of coupons which remain in a list.
      Select ​Yes​ to send a reminder to the owner of the coupon list when the remaining number of coupons codes reaches a predefined number.
      ⇒ If the ​Yes checkbox is selected, two input fields for configuring the reminder open:
      In the ​Send reminder when drop-down list, select the number of coupons that, when reached, sends the reminder.
      To send a reminder to someone in addition to the owner, enter their email address in the optional ​Send Additional Reminder to input field. The email address must exist in the Mapp Engage system. Click   to search for a user. Click the   symbol to select the user.

    7. Click ​Save.
      ⇒ The coupon list is displayed in the ​Coupon Lists Overview window. To upload coupons to the list, see Import Coupons Into a Coupon List​.

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