Edit CMS Message (window)
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    Edit CMS Message (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click   Content​ > ​CMS Message​ .
      ⇒ The ​CMS Message​ window opens.

    2. Click ​Create​.
      In the ​Actions​ column, click the symbol.
      To use an existing message as a template, click the symbol in the  ​Action​ column beside the CMS message and choose one the following.

      • Copy Content: A copy of the message is created that includes both structure (paragraphs) AND content (existing text, pictures or other individually created content).

      • Copy: A copy of the message is created that includes the existing structure (paragraphs) but NOT content (existing text, pictures, or other individually created content).

    Edit CMS Message Window​

    The ​Edit CMS Message​ window is where a CMS message is created. The structure is created by adding paragraphs to the message. These paragraphs are then filled with content (text and images) as desired.

    • Message Name: This input field defines the name of the CMS message.

    • Subject: Input field for the subject of the CMS message.

    • External Message ID: Input field for an external message ID that is inserted at each link of the message. With an external message ID, you can track statistics in an external web analytics system (for more information and set up see ​Add Parameter to a Link Manually​).

    • Master Template: Selection of a master template for the CMS message. The master template must be selected to edit a message that requires different paragraphs. You can create a message without selecting the master template but a master template must be selected to edit the message and to insert the content.

    •   : Opens a preview for the selected master template that shows all available paragraphs. This preview helps to select the correct template for a message. If you want to get a preview of the created message with its individual paragraphs, select ​Preview​.

    • Message Creation: Creates the CMS message.

      You can create messages without selecting a master template. These messages are empty.

      To create an editable message, select a master template and insert at least one paragraph. Therefore the ​Go to Sendout​ button is only displayed when you select the master template and save the message with ​Create Message​.

    • Update Message: The button saves the changes that are made for an existing CMS message. This action only stores the changes that are made to the upper section of the message, not changes to the ​Message Paragraphs​ section.

    • Preview: This button becomes visible after creating a message. Click ​Preview ​to display the selected template and all the inserted paragraphs. Individualization is displayed as a placeholder text or code. To determine how a message is displayed for a user with the individual settings, use the ​Preview​ button when performing the sendout.The ​Preview​ button appears twice. If you insert many different paragraphs, you do not need to navigate to the beginning or end of the page to preview your CMS message.

    Advanced Options​

    In the ​Advanced Options​ section, a SuperGroup and the Due Date of the message is selected.

    • SuperGroup: List field to select a SuperGroup for the CMS Message. Select a SuperGroup to create and edit a single message for all subgroups, even if you are going to send different information to those groups. When inserting paragraphs, you determine which subgroup is going to receive the relevant information.

    • Due Date: Select when the message is sent.

      • Now: Starts the delivery of the message immediately following the message composition.

      • Later: Opens the calendar input field to select or insert a time to send the message.

    Message Paragraphs​

    In the ​Message Paragraphs​ area, the content of the message is created and edited.

    • Add Paragraphs: The list field shows the paragraphs of the selected Master Template. Every paragraph can be selected and inserted several times.

    •   : Displays a preview of the selected paragraph. The preview does not show any content but displays the general settings for this paragraph in the Master Template.

    • New Position: Selection field to determine where the new paragraph is inserted.

    • Create: The button inserts the selected paragraph at the selected position

    • Compact: The button activates the compact view of the information displayed in the paragraphs' columns. The name (defined by the Master Template) and the Description (entered by the owner of the CMS Message) are displayed.

    • Detailed: The button activates the display of all sections, inserted information, and settings for a paragraph.The following columns are displayed for the ​Message Paragraphs​ :

      • Number: This column shows the positions of the paragraphs in ascending order.

      • Paragraph Name Description: This column shows the names of the paragraphs and their description.

      • Attachment: This column displays a paperclip symbol if a file is attached to this paragraph. If the column does not contain a paperclip symbol, there is no attachment. An attachment is always attached to a single paragraph, and not to an entire email.To send the attachment only to certain recipients included in a selection or with a specific attribute value, add an attachment to a single paragraph.

      • Sendout Condition: This column shows the sendout conditions that are applied to the paragraph. This condition can be either a selection or an attribute. The CMS paragraph is then only sent to the recipients who are a part of the selection or who have the specified attribute value.

      • Status Contributor Email: This column shows the states of the paragraphs. States can be:blocked: A Contributor can make no further changes to this paragraph. You use this state for preventing a paragraph from being edited.inactive: The paragraph is not considered when sending the message.contributor is done: the paragraph is marked as finished.<email-address>: A contributor is assigned to the paragraph.

    • Selection of Paragraphs: The checkbox at the end of each paragraph row enables the selection of a paragraph.

    • Select All: The checkbox selects all paragraphs for an action such as delete or remind contributors.

    • Remind Contributors: The button sends an email to the contributors of the selected paragraphs. To insert a contributor, see ​CMS Message Edit Paragraph (window)​.

    • Delete: The button deletes the selected paragraphs.

      If you have edited a paragraph, set the paragraph to inactive in the action menu. Do not delete it.

      For the recipient of a message, there is no difference since the paragraph is deleted when the message is sent. However, if you decide the content is useful, you can reuse or reactivate the content.

    • Preview: The button displays the message with all of its paragraphs. The text that is inserted in the different paragraphs is shown in the preview. Personalizations are displayed as a placeholder text or code. For an idea how a message is displayed for a user with individual settings, use the ​Preview​ button when performing the sendout.

    • The ​Preview​ button is shown twice. If you insert many different paragraphs, you do not need to navigate to the beginning or end of the page to preview your CMS message.

    • Go to Sendout: The button opens the ​Prepare Sendout​ window (see ​Configuration for Sendout​).

    Available Actions for the Paragraphs​

    Within the ​Actions​ column, the paragraphs are edited and a workflow for the content creation is set up.

    The menu for each paragraph is opened by clicking the  symbol in the ​Action​ column of each paragraph.

    The  symbol is the quick link for opening the ​Edit Paragraphs​ window.

    • Edit: Opens the Edit Paragraphs window (see ​CMS Message Edit Paragraph (window)​). There, content is inserted within the paragraph, sendout conditions are set or a contributor is inserted.

    • Preview: Shows a preview of the selected paragraph.

    • Move: Opens the window Move Paragraphs (see ​Move Paragraphs​). The position of the paragraph is updated here.

    • Lock: Blocks a paragraph and changes the status of the paragraph to blocked. After changing the paragraph to blocked, the contributor cannot make any changes.

    • Approve: Makes the blocked paragraph editable for the contributor again.

    • Deactivate: Deactivates a paragraph. This paragraph is not included in the message sendout. The paragraph is displayed shaded and the status changes into ​Inactive​.

    • Activate: Activates a deactivated paragraph.

    • Copy Paragraph: Creates a copy of the paragraph and adds this copy after the original paragraph.

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