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Edit Default System Messages
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To edit the content of the default system messages available in Mapp Engage.
Background Information
Mapp Engage offers a default message (text email) for all existing system messages. These default messages can be edited. It is possible to revert to the default message at any time.
The default system messages provided by Mapp Engage are in English and German, but any other required languages can be added as well.
The English message is the default setting and is sent when the recipient's language is unavailable in the system.
There are two possible ways to customize system messages.
It is possible to:
Edit the existing default system messages (described in the following)
If you edit the default messages, each language message must be edited separately. In other words, there is no automatic translation function to adapt the other languages when one language is changed automatically.
Default system messages are not trackable. To track system messages, it is necessary to use a template.
Create a template for system messages from a saved prepared message (see Create Templates for System Messages).
It is possible to revert to the original default message at any time.
In the Main Navigation menu, click Messages > System Messages and choose between
Group (General): provide information about any group in Mapp Engage. They are used for all groups that do not have a specific group message available.
Group (Specific): provide information about one specific group in Mapp Engage. When a specific group system message is created, the specific group message "overrides" the general group message.
System-wide: provide information about the entire Mapp Engage system.
Click next to the system message you want to edit.
⇒ The dialog Edit System Message is opened. Any languages that have already been edited are shown in the Customized Languages list field.Click the Add Language button to select the language text you want to edit.
Select the desired language by clicking on the button.
To edit the default message (send when the recipient's language is not available), choose Default language.
The selected language is inserted in the customized languages list field.To edit the subject line of the system message, un-check the box Use Default Subject.
⇒ The input field Subject can now be edited.To edit the system message email header expand the area System Message Headers and use the input fields to define as many new header parameters as needed.
To edit the default text-part text, un-check the checkbox Use Default Text.
⇒ The text of the message can now be edited.The default messages provided by Mapp Engage are text-only emails. To add an HTML part, click on the tab Email (HTML) and uncheck the box Suppress Channel.
⇒ It is now possible to add an HTML message. The Personalization button can be used to insert personalization elements.The default messages provided by Mapp Engage are text-only emails. To add an SMS part, click the SMS tab and uncheck the box Suppress Channel. An SMS message with a limit of 160 characters can now be added. The Personalization button can be used to insert personalisation elements.
Click Save.
⇒ A system status message confirms that the changes have been saved.Repeat steps 3-11 for each language required for this system message. Each language must be edited and saved individually.