Email Message Preview
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    Email Message Preview

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    Article summary

    Email Message Preview enables you to review personalized draft emails before sendout. The ​Message Preview​ window also lets you send a preview email. In addition, you can start a Message Check from the ​Message Preview​ window. Message Check includes several helpful tests that Mapp Engage performs before sendout to make sure that your email is ready for the inbox. Message Check is an extra feature of Mapp Engage that must be enabled for your system. The subject line and preheader of your email also display so you can preview them too.

    These topics describe how to use Email Message Preview in more detail:

    View a Preview of the Email​

    The ​Message Preview​ window displays the email, including both HTML and plain text versions. You also see the subject line and the preheader of your email. You can only see the message parts for which you have entered content.

    The preview in the ​Message Preview​ window matches the display of the message in a web browser, which can differ from the display in email clients. To ensure the display of an email in Mapp Engage is the same as in an email client, always send a preview email.

    For more information, see ​Email Message Preview (window)​.

    Preview Personalization​

    You can personalize an email to reflect the information stored in any ​Contact Profile​ in Mapp Engage. You can also enter ​Custom Values​ for attributes to see how they affect the look of an email. You can also preview personalizations that you define in the subject line or preheader of your email. The ​Personalisation​ settings only display when the message uses personalization.

    The preview area of the ​Message Preview​ window matches the display of the email in a browser, which can differ from the display in email clients. To check the display of the email in an email client, always send a preview email. This guarantees that the display in Mapp Engage is the same as the display in an email client.

    For more information, see ​Email Message Preview (window)​.

    Send a Preview Email​

    As you compose messages, you can send previews of your email to yourself and to others on your team. Mapp Engage makes it easy by offering a simple preview email feature that immediately sends a single email to an email address that you specify. The email address does not need to exist in Mapp Engage, so you can send it to any email address and this lets you view the preview in a variety of different email clients.

    It is a good idea to preview your preheader in different email clients since preheaders display quite differently in each email client. For example, some email clients display only about 50 characters of preheader text, whereas others, like the iPhone 6, displays as many as 140 characters. The preview area of the ​Message Preview​ window displays up to 130 characters of the preheader. If the preheader text is cut off, ... displays.

    This preview email is not an actual sendout: the draft or prepared message remains as a draft or prepared message, and is not moved to the outbox. Send the email preview to check the display and deliverability of a draft message. No statistics are available for preview emails.

    In addition, a preview sendout does not automatically trigger or schedule the final sendout. You start the sendout separately.

    For more information, see ​Send a Preview Email​.

    Preview an Email with Images On or Off​

    In the ​Message Preview​ window, it is possible to preview the HTML version of an email with images either on or off.

    Many email clients have a default setting that suppresses images, which means images do not display in received emails. This setting can have a dramatic effect on the initial appearance of your email in an inbox. When you preview with images off, you can see how your email looks when images are suppressed. You can identify issues and modify the email as required.

    To summarise:

    • Images On: Images display in the preview.

    • Images Off: Images are suppressed in the preview.

    For more information, see ​Preview an Email with Images Suppressed​.

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