Personalization with eCommerce Tables and Related Data
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    Personalization with eCommerce Tables and Related Data

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    Article summary

    General Information

    You can personalize messages in Mapp Engage using eCommerce data. Depending on your setup and preferences, Mapp Engage can pull data from the Product Catalog or Related Data for email personalization. Below, you will find personalization functions and examples for both solutions.

    Personalization with the Product Catalog

    The Product Catalog allows you to personalize messages based on data saved in the eCommerce tables: Wishlist, Abandoned Cart, and Recommended Products, and in combination with eCommerce Triggers: Back to stock, Low stock, and Price drop.

    Standard Personalization


    To use specific product data, use the ecx function.




    Abandoned Cart

    <%ForEach var='item' items="${user.abandonedCartProducts}" %>


    <%ForEach var='item' items="${user.wishlistProducts}" %>


    <%ForEach var='item' items="${user.transactionProducts}" %>

    Recommended Products

    <%ForEach var='item' items="${user.recommendedProducts}" %>

    FreeMarker Personalization

    FreeMarker is a Java-based template engine for generating dynamic content and can also be used outside of Mapp Engage.

    Channels supporting the FreeMarker personalization engine in Mapp Engage:

    • In-App,

    • Mobile Push

    • Web Push

    • AMP Email





    Abandoned Cart

    <#list user.abandonedCartProducts as item>


    <#list user.wishlistProducts as item>


    <#list user.transactionProducts as item>

    Recommended Products

    <#list user.recommendedProducts as item>

    Personalization with Related Data

    Email personalization with Related Data combines product information from the Product Catalog with data stored in your related data tables, giving you more personalization options and flexibility.

    Note that eCommerce triggers cannot be set up using Related Data. To do that, you must use the Product Catalog.

    Standard personalization


    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.wishlistProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
      WL description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
      WL price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>

    Abandoned Cart

    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.abandonedCartProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
      AC description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
      AC price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>

    Recommended Product

    <%ForEach var="test" items="${user.recommendedProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata']}" %>
      RP description: <%${test['description']}%><br>
      RP price: <%${test['price']}%><br><br>

    FreeMarker Personalization

    FreeMarker is a Java-based template engine for generating dynamic content and can also be used outside of Mapp Engage.

    Channels supporting the FreeMarker personalization engine in Mapp Engage:

    • In-App,

    • Mobile Push

    • Web Push

    • AMP Email


    <#list user.wishlistProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata'] as key, values>
        <#list values as item>

    Abandoned Cart

    <#list user.abandonedCartProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata'] as key, values>
        <#list values as item>

    Recommended Product

    <#list user.recommendedProductsRD['myrdlistwithproductdata'] as key, values>
        <#list values as item>

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