Email Testing
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    Email Testing

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    Article summary

    Your contacts expect perfect content every time. Testing messages before the final sendout is a crucial step in the message creation process.

    Before you send your message, use Mapp Engage to review, test, and optimize your message.

    To access testing tools in Mapp Engage, open the ​Message Preview​ window during the message creation process. For more information, see Email Message Preview (window).

    Inbox Rendering ​

    Shows the results of rendering and deliverability tests that Mapp Engage performs on your email messages before sendout.

    Test your inbox rendering to evaluate your message for several features:

    • Render your message in over 30 email clients and devices.

    • Verify that your messages can pass common spam checks.

    • Perform important sender identity checks (DMARC, DKIM, and SPF).

    • Test the subject line length, list-unsubscribe header, and links.

    The inbox rendering feature is now standard in Mapp Engage. Your system includes the first 100 inbox rendering tests. Each additional test is charged an additional fee. Contact your account manager for more information.

    For more information, see Inbox Rendering.

    Inbox Monitoring ​

    The inbox monitoring feature is now standard in Mapp Engage. Each use incurs an extra fee. Contact your account manager for more information.

    ​Mapp Engage​ uses the 250ok plug-in through ​Mapp Connect​ for seedlist-based inbox monitoring.

    • Test the deliverability of your message.

    • Check across platforms and IPSs (internet service providers).

    • Assign higher or lower priorities to test specific seedlists.

    Select specific regions or ISPs for specific inbox monitoring checks.

    Split Sendout​

    In a split sendout, you send different versions of an email message to different portions of group members. Mapp Engage evaluates the success of each message variation and identifies the message that has optimal results. Performance is rated on clicks, opens, or conversion rate. You can compare up to ten message variants in one split sendout. The remaining group members receive the highest-performing message.

    This functionality is often called multivariate testing or A/B testing.

    For more information, see Split Sendouts.

    Send Message to Test Recipients​

    In the ​Message Preview​ window, you can send a copy of your draft message to the test recipients defined for the sendout group. Use test messages to check the deliverability and the display of your messages and to get feedback from your test recipient.

    Test recipients are members of the group you designate. Up to 100 test recipients can be defined in each group.

    The test message functionality creates an actual Mapp Engage sendout, which is different from a message that you send to an email address from the ​Message Preview​ window.

    For instructions, see Send Test Message to Test Recipients.

    Message Preview​

    The ​Message Preview​ window displays the message, including HTML and text message parts.

    For more information, see Email Message Preview (window).

    Preview Personalizations​

    Personalized content creates individual messages that change according to the values stored in your contact's profile. Personalization can affect the size, display, and contents of the message.

    To test your personalizations, the ​Message Preview​ window lets you manually enter different profile values and then update the preview. This functionality allows you to check different email variations without sending many test sendouts.

    The preview includes both types of personalizations: placeholders and personalization rules. You can also turn off the personalization rule preview to see all available content variations.

    For instructions, see Preview Personalizations.

    Preview an Email Without Images​

    In the ​Message Preview​ window, you can preview an HTML email with images off (suppressed).

    Many email clients suppress the display of images by default. The lack of images can dramatically affect the initial appearance of your email message in your recipient's inbox. To see how your message looks without images, turn off images in your message preview.

    For instructions, see Preview an Email with Images Suppressed.

    Send Message Preview by Email​

    In the ​Message Preview​ window,​​ you can send a copy of the preview to any email address.

    You can also send the message to email addresses that are not registered in Mapp Engage.

    Mapp Engage generates an email copy of the preview and sends the preview to the addresses you enter in the ​Test Address​ input field.

    For instructions, see Send a Preview Email.

    The email sent to an individual email address from the ​Message Preview​ window is not an actual Mapp Engage sendout. This message is a copy of the preview window. However, if you send to test recipients, the mail appears as a new sendout in the outbox. The preview email has some limitations. For more information, see Send a Preview Email​.

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