Email Workflow in Mapp Engage
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    Email Workflow in Mapp Engage

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    Article summary

    Now that your Engage system is set up, you can start connecting with your audiences. This guide shows you how to organize your data and workflows for a successful email marketing campaign. We'll give you a comprehensive overview of everything you need to prepare to kick off your first email sendout campaign. We'll list the tools and features within Mapp Engage that you should use to achieve your goals.

    Basic workflow for a personalized Email sendout

    Check out our introductory video to learn about the basic workflow. It takes less than three minutes!


    Your Engage system is all setup and live. Users and permissions are configured, content blocks are created, and you are ready to go.


    A) Audience


      A group is a list of addresses to which you send messages. Groups allow you to organize your contacts in Mapp Engage. You can create as many groups as you want. A common and recommended use of Groups is per channel: Email, SMS, Mobile Push, Direct Mail, etc. However, you can create other groups depending on the size of your contact list, sendout frequency, and other factors relevant to your business. 

      You must create groups before you import contacts into Mapp Engage.



      Create New Group

      This article describes the basic procedure to create a group and a high-level description of available group settings.

      Define Group Settings

      In this section, you will find articles about all the setup possibilities for groups. This is a fairly broad topic, as group settings include such important aspects as: 

      • reply handling.

      • deactivation settings.

      • tracking and links.

      • sendout options and more.

      Manage Group Attributes

      A group attribute stores one value for all members of a group. The value is identical for all group members.

      Group attributes are ideal for storing data that changes frequently and is not recipient-specific. You can create group attributes manually or import them via CSV or XML imports.


      Before you start building your audiences, you need to get their contact data into Mapp Engage. Contact data are imported into groups.

      Below are the different ways of importing contacts into Mapp Engage.



      Manual import

      This article describes importing contacts and profile attribute data into a group. The import file can be in CSV, XML, or text format.

      Automated import

      You can create automations that will perform contact imports at regular intervals. For more information, see Create a New Time-Based Automation.

      Import with Mapp Connect

      With Mapp Connect, you can set up complex automated imports to sync your contact data from external sources into your Mapp Engage system. This is a very robust solution and offers faster imports. Mapp Connect requires some additional setup. Check out the documentation, and contact your account manager if you need more information.


      Defining your target audiences is key to success in digital marketing. Mapp's Segmentation Builder is a tool that picks exactly those contacts from within your groups that you want to target with a specific message or campaign. Those contacts are put into segments that can be used across the platform.



      Segmentation Builder Basics

      Read this article if you are not yet familiar with Segmentation Builder. It clarifies the basic concept behind segmenting your contacts and explains the user interface of the tool. Here, you will also find a description of the available segmentation criteria:

      How-Tos for Segmentation Builder

      Here, you will find basic procedures, for example:

      Use Cases for Segmentation Builder

      This section shows you practical examples of segments with detailed configuration. The use cases are available in 5 different categories:

    B) Message


      There are two ways to create messages in Mapp Engage: with pre-designed templates (recommended) or manually.



      Message Basics

      Read this article if you are unfamiliar with email messaging in Engage.

      Create emails using pre-designed templates:

      You can create templates and other reusable email elements in advance, ensuring that all your emails have the same look and feel.

      Creating these elements requires HTML knowledge. Reach out to you account manager if you are interested in support options.

      The four basic elements are:

      • frameworks

      • blocks

      • email templates

      • email messages

      For more information, see Concept and Definitions.

      Create emails manually

      You create emails in the message creation area using HTML code or an HTML editor if you don't know HTML. You can paste, upload, or create message content here.

      Personalization and variables is part of the message creation process.



      Add Personalization​

      Personalization adds content selected specifically for the recipient or target group to the message. It makes the content of your messages more relevant. For example, you can start an email addressing the contact with their first name.

      Add Variables​

      Insert content automatically into a message that is the same for all recipients of the message. For example, you can add a coupons or barcodes to a message, or links to read the message in a web browser, read a mobile version, unsubscribe, or change profile data.

      Before you send your message, it´s good practice to do some quality assurance. 



      Message Preview

      Review personalized draft emails before sendout.

      Inbox Rendering

      Verify that the design and content of your message are optimal.

      Inbox Monitoring

      Test the deliverability of your message across platforms and internet service providers.

      Split Sendout

      Try out various email variants to identify the highest-performing one.

    C) Sendout

    Before sending the message, Mapp Engage processes it according to all the parameters you defined in previous steps. The relevant recipients are selected, and individual emails are created for sendouts that include personalization.



    Message Sendout in Mapp Engage

    Plan your sendout:

    • send the message immediately,

    • schedule for later,

    • reschedule or cancel messages, and more.

    Remember that you already defined group-specific sendout settings during group creation (see Sendout Options).


    Whiteboards allow you to build simple and complex sendout scenarios for your messages and campaigns. You can create entire customer journeys that are triggered at a specified time or in reaction to your contact activity. For example, you can send birthday emails to your existing contacts or welcome emails to newly subscribed contacts. Scenarios are endless, so we encourage you to familiarize yourself with this tool.

    D) Performance & Reporting

    For any email campaign, it is important to monitor your KPIs. 




    See all your metrics and KPIs in one place, including interactive graphs and reports.

    How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success

    Mapp Engage has both native performance monitoring solutions and those available through integrations with web analytics tools.

    The web analytics tool we recommend is Mapp Intelligence, which is part of Mapp Cloud. 

    Export reports and raw data:

    Download and view customizable reports. Analyze the data that matters to you.

    Export large amounts of detailed data for analysis in an external tool. Create freely definable custom exports that fit your needs and system requirements.

    Interested in training?

    Check out Academy, Mapp´s e-learning platform. It offers courses covering the most important products and features of Mapp Cloud. You can use it at any time,  free of charge.

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