Enable Paragraph Editing for Contributors
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    Enable Paragraph Editing for Contributors

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    Article summary


    To assign editing of individual CMS paragraphs to different contributors. These contributors will be notified of their tasks by email.

    Background Information​

    The CMS splits a message into different sections, called paragraphs. These are then assembled into a message. Each paragraph can be assigned to a single contributor who creates the text or inserts images.

    The contributor is reminded via the system message (SysMsgRemindContributor​ ) to edit the paragraph. The contributor does not have to be stored in the system. He is automatically provided access to edit the relevant paragraphs. The access link is included in the system message.

    If you are not using the default system message for notifying contributors, you may need to set the session timeout. See Set Session Timeout for Contributors​.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, select ​Content Management​.
      ⇒ The CMS Message Overview​ window opens.

    2. Create a new message or edit an existing message.
      ⇒ The individual paragraphs which define the message are displayed in the Message Paragraphs​ section.

    3. Click    next to the paragraph for which you want to assign a contributor.
      ⇒ The Edit Paragraph​ window opens.

    4. Open the Advanced Options​ area.
      ⇒ The input fields for notifying the contributor of the task are displayed.

    5. Click    to enter a date on which the paragraph must be completed.

    6. Enter text in the input field Description​ to describe the task for the contributor.

    7. Enter in the input field Contributor Email​ the email address with which the contributor will be contacted.
      ⇒ This email address is used as the login name for access to the system.

    8. Click the ​Remind​ button to send the message with the work instruction to the contributor.
      - or -
      Click the ​Save & Close​ button to send the message at a later time.

    9. When the message is to be sent, access the Edit CMS Message​ window and select the checkboxes next to the individual paragraphs that need to be edited.

    10. Click the Remind Contributors​ button.

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