Encourage Repeat Purchases
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    Encourage Repeat Purchases

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    Article summary


    Encourage existing customers to make another purchase. Send a special message 90 days after a contact's last purchase.


    • Encourage existing customers to make another purchase.

    • Reach out to customers who haven't bought anything in a while.

    • Increase sales of items purchased on a regular basis.

    Further Inspiration​

    • If you sell a product that customers purchase on a regular basis, such as contact lenses, you can use this scenario to send a reminder email 30 or 60 days after the last purchase.

    • Make sure to send recommendations for related products. This increases your rate of cross-selling.

    Before You Start​

    1. Set up conversion tracking. Conversion tracking tracks when a contact reaches the purchase confirmation page on your website. For more information, see Conversion Tracking​.
      Each conversion tracking you create has a unique name in the system. You'll need to know the name of the conversion tracking event before you start setting up an automation.

    2. Set up a profile enrichment program to collect important data about your contacts, like their open, click and purchase data. For more information, see Profile Enrichment​. This scenario uses the custom user attribute ​LastPurchaseDate​. This attribute stores the date and time when you contact last purchased in your shop.


    This procedure has 3 steps.

    A) Create the message.

    B) Create a selection that finds contacts whose last purchase was exactly 90 days ago.

    C) On a whiteboard, create a time-based automation that sends the prepared message ​SpecialOffer​ every day at a defined time. The email contains a special offer or incentive for additional purchases.

    A) Create the Message​


    In the ​Quick Links​, click ​New Message​. Add the message content.

    Save the message as a prepared message.

    See Save Draft as Prepared Message​.

    B) Create the Selection​

    In the ​Recipients > ​Selection​ area, create a new selection with the following condition.


    Basis for Condition




    Click ​Add​.


    ​Selection run date, exactly before, 90 days​

    C) Automate on a Whiteboard​

    1. In the ​Automation​ area, create a new whiteboard.

    2. Drag a ​Time​ module and a ​Time-based job​ module onto the whiteboard.

    3. Drag and drop between the   symbols to connect the modules.

    4. Define the module settings as follows:

      Time Module




      ​Recurring Date​


      Define the desired time of the daily sendout. The slider ​Hour​ works on a 24 hour clock.





      Time-based Module




      ​Send Prepared Message to Selection.​


      Select the ​SpecialOffer​ message.


      Select the ​LastPurchase90Days​ selection.

    5. Click ​Next​.
      ⇒ The ​Whiteboard​ wizard opens to step two.

    6. Define the desired time frame and notifications.

    7. Click ​Activate​ to immediately activate the whiteboard. Only active whiteboards are executed by the system.

      ⇒ The whiteboard is saved and activated. The automation has the status ​Running​ if the start date is immediate and ​Scheduled​ if the start date is in the future.

    Gain insight into the performance of your messages in the ​Statistics​ area. All of the messages are evaluated together as a single message. This allows you to see at a glance how your messages are performing. See Message Statistics (window)​.

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