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    Article summary


    In the section, you can configure User matching including user creation with Mapp Engage. Find more information on Mapp Cloud User Matching on this page.

    Engage email address

    The Email address used to identify the user in Mapp Engage.

    Request Parameter: er1

    Group ID

    (optional) Provide the group ID in case of a new registration for the user in Mapp Engage.

    Request Parameter: er2

    Registration mode

    (optional) Provide the registration method used to register for marketing activities.

      New contacts receive a welcome message via email when they are added to the group. The contact does not need to confirm the subscription.

    • d (DOUBLE OPT IN)
      New contacts receive an invitation to join the group via email. The contact must accept the invitation before they are added to the group. Learn more here: Set up Double Opt-in with the Email Channel.

    • o (OPT IN)
      (default) New contacts are added to the group without notification.

    Request Parameter: er3


    (optional) Name of the user to be used in Engage.

    Request Parameter: er4


    (optional) Surname of the user to be used in Engage.

    Request Parameter: er5


    (optional) Gender of the user to be used in Engage.

    • u: undisclosed

    • f: female

    • m: male

    Request Parameter: er6

    Registration opt-in

    Provide information that the user consented to use their data.

    Only when set to ‘true’, data will be sent to Mapp Engage.

    • true: User consent

    • false: No consent (default)

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