Engage Variables in Landing Pages
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    Engage Variables in Landing Pages

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    Article summary

    When you create a landing page, you can use the following two types of Engage Variables.

    Landing Pages​

    The ​Landing Pages​ category in the ​Engage Variables​ menu lists all the landing pages in your Engage system.

    The variable has the form of a placeholder that appears within tags like these: <% ... % >

    The placeholder is automatically inserted within an HTML link. You do not need to adapt the placeholder before sendout. However, you can feel free to change the link text.

    The link has the following format: ​<a href="<%InsertLPLink id='11'%>">Link Text</a>​

    • The ID is the ID of the landing page. Mapp Engage assigns every landing page a unique ID number when you create the landing page.

    • The link text is the hyperlink that your contacts see displayed on the landing page. You can change this text.

    When you send the message, Mapp Engage adds the message ID and user ID to the link. This information allows Mapp Engage to identify the contact who visits the landing page and the message that the contact clicked.


    <a href="<%InsertLPLink id="7"%>">Enter to win!</a>

    • In the HTML code, the variable has the following structure: <a href="<%InsertLPLink id="7"%>">Lottery</a>

    • In the email message or on the landing page, the contact sees the text "Enter to win!" The text is the link to the landing page.

    Insert Ad

    Use this variable to insert content that is stored at personalized web addresses. Mapp Engage adds the content as text or HTML code to the landing page.

    • Each URL is personalized. The address and the content of the website is personalized for each recipient.

    • Link tracking is not available for personalized links. You can set up personalized link tracking (as an aggregate) in the group settings. For more information, see ​Tracking & Links (Tab)​. Personalized links are evaluated as an aggregate, rather than separately because each contact receives a different personalized link. You can create link categories to help to organize the different personalized links in the statistics.

    You can add up to two ​Insert Ad​ variables to a landing page. Using too many ​Insert Ad​ variables on one landing page can negatively affect speed and performance when the landing page loads.

    Engage does not check the imported content in any way, or run a virus scan on the content. You are responsible to ensure that the external source is secure and can be trusted.

    After you add the Engage Variable to the landing page or email, modify the placeholder. Add the correct URL and define the character encoding.

    • Format of the default placeholder: <%InsertAd:"URL"%>

    • Example of a correctly modified placeholder: <%InsertAd:"http://www.mysite.com?parameter=${user.customAttribute['URL']}"%>.

    Replace the URL with the actual, personalised URL. Include the protocol (for example, http://). The personalisation appears within the following tag: ${personalisation}.


    Your website is http://www.mysite.com. Contacts can visit individual product pages that correspond with their interests. The site paths are determined by the value stored in the Hobby attribute.

    In this case, you modify the ​Insert Ad​ variable as follows: <%InsertAd:"http://www.mysite.com${user.customAttribute['Hobby']}.html"%>.

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